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Dr. Richard Cordero, Esq.

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June 6, 2013

Swapping emails among us will not help us correct the situation at all. Below is a proposal, based on precedent, current events, and strategic thinking, for action that is reasonably calculated to have a fighting chance at changing the situation and setting in motion a process that may correct it. I respectfully encourage you to consider it, take the proposed action, and invite your colleagues and fellow group members to join you in it.

What follows applies an old saying as adapted: ‘If the waters of trust become deeply troubled, fishers can make a greater catch of all sorts of fish. Thus join in troubling the waters so that we may get the fish that we don’t like out too and throw it away!’

In the context of the IRS Scandal and the Benghazi Scandal
the investigation of the suspicion raised by
The New York Times, The Washington Post, and Politico
that President Obama’s first nominee to the Supreme Court,
Then-Judge Sotomayor, had concealed assets
can have the gravest consequences, including
calls for their resignation or impeachment, and
the first-ever investigation of the Federal Judiciary
Dr. Richard Cordero, Esq.
Judicial Discipline Reform
New York City
The IRS and the Benghazi scandals have gripped the NATIONAL public’s attention and, as a result, have given journalists a market incentive to investigate them further. Underlying both scandals is a common query:
Is there a pattern of President Obama covering up wrongdoing by him, his administration, or those whom he wants to nominate to high office? Cf. >jur:111fn249.
In fact, this pattern began early on in his first term when he nominated for cabinet positions known tax cheats Tim Geithner, Tom Daschle, and Nancy Killefer, none of whom were confirmed; id. >jur:65§1.
Subsequently, media outlets of superior credibility and even said to be liberal and Democrat-leaning, namely, The New York Times, The Washington Post, and Politico, suspected the President’s first nominee to the Supreme Court, Then-Judge, Now-Justice, Sotomayor, of concealing assets of her own; jur:65fn107a.
This begs a question that entered our political discourse when the Watergate scandal, which led to the resignation of President Nixon on August 9, 1974, brought it to the attention of the NATIONAL public and that today can guide journalists in yet another investigation after being rephrased thus:
What did President Obama know
through the FBI vetting of Then-Judge Sotomayor about her concealment of assets, and
when did he know it? jur:77§5
The President knew, jur:90§§b-c, or by exercising due diligence before making a nomination for life-appointment to the Supreme Court should have known of the evidence of J. Sotomayor’s concealment of assets. He only had to list the salary that she had earned as a public officer and compare it with the assets and liabilities that she declared under oath, jur:65§107b-c, and then wonder, as did The New York Times, The Washington Post, and Politico: Where did her money go?!
The evidence of her concealment of assets disqualified her as a judge, not to mention as a justiceship nominee, because it revealed her failure of a fundamental requirement for judges: ‘to avoid even the appearance of impropriety’, jur:68fn123a. This failure forced Supreme Court Justice Abe Fortas to resign on May 14, 1969, after Life magazine revealed his money improprieties, id. >jur:92§d. By contrast, concealment of assets, whether to avoid taxes or hide the unlawful origin of money, is a crime; dcc:13fn27.
Knowing of her concealment of assets, the President intentionally saddled the American public for the next 20, 30, or more years of J. Sotomayor’s justiceship with a dishonest person who was unqualified to say the law that she had violated by concealing assets and who had to continue violating the law by not declaring such assets, lest she incriminate herself, jur:68§3.
The President had a powerful motive to cover up J. Sotomayor’s concealment of assets: To gain political capital by ingratiating himself with Hispanic voters who wanted a Hispanic on the Supreme Court. He violated the public trust that he appealed to when he falsely vouched for her honesty and qualifications and asked the public to support his nominee.
In the context of the suspected cover-up in the IRS and the Benghazi scandal, President Obama’s cover-up of the evidence of J. Sotomayor’s concealment of assets confirms a pattern: for political gain, he covers up his and other people’s wrongdoing. It completes a trifecta of distrust.
The distrust that this cover-up can engender is of greater gravity because, unlike in the other two scandals, the President personally vouched for Then-Judge Sotomayor’s honesty and qualifications. It warrants the call by the public and journalists for him to release the FBI vetting report on J. Sotomayor.
The trifecta of distrust justifies the search by journalists for the whereabouts of J. Sotomayor’s concealed assets. In so doing, they will gain a competitive advantage by joining forces with a media outlet that after a 15-month investigation of 2.5 million financial documents leaked to it, known as the Offshore Leaks, has developed unparalleled expertise, including techniques, software, and contacts, in conducting off- and onshore Follow the money! investigations, namely, the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists.
They are headquartered at the Center for Public Integrity in Washington, D.C. This is their contact information:
ICIJ Director Gerard Ryle: gryle@...
ICIJ Deputy Director Marina Walker: mwalker@...
CPI Director Bill Buzenberg: dbetts@...
For the physical address of, and links to, ICIJ and CPI, and a concrete proposal to them for joint publication and investigation of evidence, and an academic and business venture, see >ol:1.
The journalist and the managing editor who start the process of highlighting to ultimately the NATIONAL public the trifecta of distrust completed by President Obama’s cover-up of J. Sotomayor’s concealment of assets can have a far-reaching public impact:
1. launch a Watergate-like generalized Follow the money! search for J. Sotomayor’s concealed assets; jur:4¶¶10-14;
2. set off the first-ever media investigation of the means, motive, and opportunity, jur:21§§1-3, that enable justices and judges to conceal assets in spite of their duty, jur:65fn107d, to file annual financial disclosure reports, jur:105fn213; and
3. exacerbate public distrust far beyond what the other two scandals already have and to the point of prompting calls for the resignation or impeachment of both President Obama and Justice Sotomayor and other judges as well as for an overhaul of the Federal Judiciary, jur:158§§6-8.
For the journalist and managing editor that set in motion this investigative bandwagon there are substantial moral and material rewards, ol:3§6, including becoming known to a grateful NATIONAL public as Champions of the Public Trust.
Dare trigger history! id. >dcc:11