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Journalist explains how utter lack of expertise in Congress is ruining America

Eric W. Dolan

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May 31, 2012


CONGRESS has abrogated its power to the global banking cabal. The 'pea game' that global bankers perform for DC have blinded the Congress into stupification by the 'brilliance' of their moves. Congress is stunned into: DUMB DUMMER DUMMEST!

Congress is doing exactly what they are told to do -- are doing it perfectly -- "without so much as a hiccup in the process".

You could not blackmail, bribe, or seduce, a more wholesome bunch of Devils than the American US Corp Congress -- who the people love and worship when making reverence to -- always reverent, obedient, and forever mindful of "what a wonderful job they are doing on them". 

There is only one position that the American people have ever been in since the Civil War, and it is there they will remain, until deciding to get up off of their hands and knees in favor of a less prone position. . . upright and constantly defiant against tyranny.  --Rod Remelin


Journalist explains how utter lack of expertise in Congress is ruining America

Monday, May 27, 2013 21:45 EDT

Robert Kaiser screenshot

For his new book, journalist Robert Kaiser intensely researched the political maneuvering surrounding the Dodd–Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act. His conclusion? Most members of Congress don’t understand what they’re arguing about.

Speaking on PBS, Kaiser said Wall Street reform only occurred in the wake of the 2008 financial collapse thanks to the unique talents of former Rep. Barney Frank (D-MA) and former Sen. Chris Dodd (D-CT).

Unlike the rest of Congress, Frank and Dodds had an actual grasp on the financial situation and understood the need to act. Frank provided the brainpower, while Dodds’ political skill was necessary for financial reform to pass.

“But it was upsetting to me as a citizen to realize how few members understood the issues they were dealing with,” Kaiser remarked. “These are, of course, extremely complicated financial matters, how banks work, how they’re regulated, so on.”

“Not everybody can know this, but at the end, I concluded that you could fit the number of experts in Congress on financial issues easily onto the roster of a Major League Baseball team,” he added. “That’s 25 people. I think that is the max.”

Kaiser also said the lack of expertise was resulting in a deadlocked Congress. Rather than trying to craft meaningful legislation to aid the country, most lawmakers were more interested in scoring partisan political points.

“You don’t really engage on issues in this Congress,” he explained. “What you engage in is political warfare, partisan bashing, one or the other. And the result is that serious policy issues, as we have seen again and again, get very short shrift.”

Watch video, courtesy of PBS, below: