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Eric Holder perjured himself in lie about AP - DOJ intimidation scheme

J.D. Heyes

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May 30, 2013

(NaturalNews) It is said that when you lie often, sooner or later you will be caught in your own web of deceit. That may have just happened with Attorney General Eric Holder.

Last week Holder appeared before the House Government Reform and Oversight Committee to provide testimony regarding the Justice Department's potentially improper confiscation of the phone records of 20 Associated Press reporters and editors.

Holder, in response to questioning by Rep. Hank Johnson, D-Ga., said of his involvement with prosecuting the press that he had no involvement.

However, on May 23 NBC News, in a breaking story, reported that Holder personally signed off on the secret monitoring of Fox News Reporter James Rosen., who has been charged by the Justice Department as a "co-conspirator" in an espionage case in which he was attempting to obtain information from a source.

Holder, during testimony, said:

First of all you've got a long way to go to try to prosecute the press for publication of material. This has not fared well in American history... In regard to potential prosecution of the press for the disclosure of material. This is not something I've ever been involved in, heard of, or would think would be wise policy.



'No - I prosecuted for something entirely different'

"Out of one side of his mouth, and while under oath, Holder says he has never heard of anyone trying to prosecute the press for publishing material. Out of the other side of his mouth, Holder is accusing reporters of espionage on applications for subpoenas," writes John Nolte at Breitbart News.

One possible "out" for Holder is to say he wasn't prosecuting Rosen for actually publishing the classified material he allegedly obtained from a State Department contractor, but that he is instead prosecuting him for espionage under the Espionage Act of 1917.

However, it's clear that the attorney general was attempting to position himself and his department as champions of the presses' right to pursue leads and publish information, even if it is classified. And, this all occurred, as Nolte points out, after the Rosen story in question was published.

What's in store for the growing list of politically wounded in the Obama Administration?

Is Holder now officially on the hot seat?

Could be. Even the liberal Huffington Post is furious over Holder's lack of leadership on other issues as well, is calling for him to step down (

We'll see if that happens, but one thing is certain: The cacophony of lies is becoming deafening, and with the 2014 midterm elections looming - a cycle that is typically brutal to the incumbent leadership - congressional Democrats may be set to push Obama to look for a scapegoat for a range of scandals - and firing Holder wouldn't hurt, many of them are thinking.

Obamacare, which is set to take full effect on Jan. 1, is another potentially grave vote-taker from Democrats, most all of whom stumped for and voted to pass it. There is no amount of spin that will take the sting out of that monstrosity.

Holder may well become the next casualty on the administration's rapidly expanding hit list - IRS official Lois Lerner as well - but firing bumbling, lying incompetents at the peak of the crescendo may not be enough to convince an increasingly skeptical electorate that this "transparent" presidency, or his politically bankrupt party, are worth salvaging. Time will tell.

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