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Huckabee: Benghazi Cover-Up Could Lead to Obama Impeachment

Jim Myers and Kathleen Walter

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May 10, 2013

Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee tells Newsmax that the Obama administration is guilty of disseminating "deliberate misinformation" regarding the Benghazi attack and continues to "stonewall" efforts to uncover the facts behind the tragedy.

The 2008 Republican presidential candidate also reiterates his earlier prediction that the Benghazi affair could lead to President Barack Obama's impeachment.

And he declares that the House "should do any and everything" to stop further implementation of Obamacare.

Huckabee is now the host of "The Mike Huckabee Show," broadcast on more than 200 radio stations, and a Fox News contributor. His latest book is "Dear Chandler, Dear Scarlett: A Grandfather’s Thoughts on Faith, Family and the Things That Matter Most."

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On Thursday, House Speaker John Boehner demanded that Obama and administration officials turn over emails pertaining to the Benghazi controversy. In an exclusive interview with Newsmax TV on Friday, Huckabee was asked if the administration will be forced to be more forthcoming about what happened.

"They're going to have to," he says.

"They have been stonewalling since September of last year and they no longer can say, 'Look, we don’t want to turn this into an election-year issue,' because the election's long over.

"But it doesn’t mean that the interest in what happened in Benghazi is over. In fact, it's just beginning to really heat up and even members of the mainstream press who have done everything possible to ignore this story are having to pay attention, because as new information comes out and as the hearings really validated this week, there was deliberate misinformation that was given out by the White House and by the State Department as to what happened that night.

"We have a right to know, why did four people get killed, and we also have a right to know, why didn’t they tell us the truth about what happened that night?"

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Earlier this week on his radio show, Huckabee predicted that the Benghazi "cover-up" will drive Obama from office.

He tells Newsmax: "Let me begin by saying that it's not my wish or hope. Some people presume that I sit around just licking my chops over the idea that the president would either resign or be impeached, but that is not at all something that I relish because I don’t think it's good for the country.

"It's good for the country for the president to step forward, tell the truth, lay everything on the table, and not only tell us what did happen, but tell us why they didn’t tell us this before.

"But if the White House continues to stonewall and this information ekes out little by little because reporters and members of Congress have to uncover it rather than it being opened up by the administration, then it could [lead to impeachment].

"I'm not saying it necessarily will lead to an impeachment, and without the Senate changing it probably wouldn’t lead to a conviction. But it could be that his term is over, not so much that he resigns or is impeached, but that he becomes just a completely inept president with no power, because once you lose credibility, you lose the power to govern.

"Rather than being a lame duck, he could well be a dead duck sitting in office, basically biding his time and not able to move anything forward."

Huckabee agrees with the more than 130 House Republicans who want to impanel a select committee to investigate Benghazi.

"There's a limitation on what these standing committees are going to be able to delve into," he says.

"Also, a select committee gives it a focus and a level of attention that, frankly, it does deserve, and I hope it happens.

"But the other thing that I hope happens is that the esteemed members of the Fourth Estate, those who are supposed to be the watchdogs of government, and I'm speaking of our national press, will begin to take their job seriously and not be apologists for the president, but begin to ask the serious questions objectively.

"True reporters and journalists are supposed to go after the truth wherever it takes them, or they lose all of their credibility."

Huckabee opines that the Benghazi affair "could have a big impact" on former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's chances of gaining the White House in 2016, "not just in the general election but in the primary."

Huckabee also says he hopes the House and Senate will be able to reach an agreement on immigration reform this year.

"One of the concerns that I think we're seeing is whether or not they're going to put the securing of the border in front of any type of path to legalization. That's going to be very important, especially in the House," he says.

"People don’t want this issue to linger on. They don’t want people to live in the shadows. They don’t want to be punitive to people who come here.

"But we need to know who's coming, why they're coming, can they support themselves, do they have a communicable disease? Knowing that is an important part of immigration reform."

But Huckabee disagrees with those who say that if immigration reform doesn't pass, it will hurt Republicans at the polls.

"If the immigration legislation doesn’t pass and the reason it doesn’t pass is because Democrats insisted on open borders without any accountability, without any responsible pathway for people to catch up to the law, then I don’t think the American public or Hispanic voters who have come here legally, or are descendants of people who have come here legally, are going to hold that against [Republicans]."

The House votes again on repealing Obamacare next week, although a full repeal is nearly impossible considering that Democrats control the White House and Senate.

Asked if the House should simply use its budget controls and defund Obamacare, Huckabee responds: "They should do any and everything they can to try to stop this from getting so far implemented that we can't undo ourselves from what even Democrats like Max Baucus, who sponsored the bill, are now calling a train wreck.

"House Republicans have an opportunity to be heroes and to say this was legislation that shouldn’t have been passed. We may not be able to completely repeal it but we're going to stop this until we can get a president and a Senate in place that will stop the bleeding that is going to happen to the American economy, and to jobs, if this goes forward."

Editor's Note: See the exclusive excerpts of the Newsmax interview with Mike Huckabee

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