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History is Repeating Itself After Boston Marathon Bombing

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April 16, 2013

After the 9/11 attacks, there were a string of political figures who had Anthrax mailed to their office. This stoked the people’s fears after the deadly attacks. It seems that history is now repeating itself.

A letter for Senator Roger Wicker was intercepted at an off-site mail facility today, laced with Ricin, a deadly poison. This is an eerie reminder of the events on 9/11, happening only a day after the Boston Marathon bombings. The bombings are quickly being considered a staged false flag event to ramp up the people’s fears; the Ricin letters are an additional tool used by the globalists to keep Americans living in constant fear.

The good patriots at FromTheTrenchesWorldReport have put together a thorough analysis linking Senator Wicker to the Boston Marathon bombing incident. I recommend you read the entire article, however here is an important quote:

News is just breaking that contends that an envelope sent to Senator Roger Wicker (R-MS) contained ricin, a deadly poison.  Now one might ask how the Senator, the ricin, and the bombing are connected.

Senator Roger Wicker is one of the sixteen GOP Senators who voted to stop the filibuster which would have shut down the 2nd Article infringement debate which is going on this week in the US Senate.  Wicker has been named as a traitor to the Republic by the patriot community, as he and the other fifteen Senators voted for the debate in spite of the fact that they had previously identified the gun legislation as an infringement upon our Bill of Rights, making the act one with knowledge and forethought.

The communists who monitor the internet are not ignorant to the fact that many patriots have called for the arrest and trial of all sixteen of these wanton traitors.  Could it be that the communist insurgency is planning more such incidents in an effort to create an illusion wherein American patriots are committing terrorist acts in an effort to …. what, provide an excuse to institute full martial law?

There are many discrepancies surrounding what little information we have about the Boston Marathon bombing. The Facebook tribute page was put up hours before the explosions, Sandy Hook style. The instant finger pointing of a figure from a Muslim country (a Saudi student) is reminiscent of 9/11 as well.

I, and many other people, are finding it difficult to understand why bomb sniffing dogs were there before any explosions went off. Furthermore, we want to know why some authorities were telling everyone to be calm, that it was just a drill.

Were the drills of the same sort as FEMA was carrying out around 9/11, or the drills going on during the Madrid bombings, or the London 7/7 bombings?

This pattern of behavior is nothing new and should strike fear in our hearts. Think of how life used to be. Think back to 9/10/2001, and think of the stark contrast of the world we live in today. Imagine the draconian laws that will be put into place after this event.

We have gone past the tipping point, and there is nothing we can do to stop it.