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Author: Documents 'damning' for Holder

Taylor Rose

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April 9, 2013

Court fight over 'Fast and Furious' papers ratcheting up

WASHINGTON – A court fight over documentation of the Fast and Furious scandal, where the U.S. government trafficked weapons to drug dealers in Mexico, is just ratcheting up now.

But Katie Pavlich, author of the New York Times bestseller “Fast and Furious: Barack Obama’s Bloodiest Scandal and the Shameless Cover-Up,” news editor of and an expert on the Fast and Furious scandal, says the documents will be “damning” for Attorney General Eric Holder, and possibly even President Obama.

She said both politicians should be concerned “based on the evidence that Attorney General Eric Holder chang[ed] his testimony multiple times under oath in front of Congress.”

“I think these documents are pretty damning to him,” she told WND in an exclusive interview.

It was reported just last month that a federal judge has ordered the House Oversight Committee and Holder to work with a mediator in their battle over the paperwork from the Fast and Furious scandal.

The 2009 exposure of Fast and Furious by whistleblowers revealed the government’s deliberate decision to sell guns to prohibited buyers and allow them to be taken to drug cartel operations in Mexico.

Read Pavlich’s comments about the government’s false flag operation against gun dealers as well as how the government retaliated against the whistleblowers who revealed the scandal.

Pavlich earlier revealed how the government, when the operation blew up, decided to attack and retaliate against the whistleblowers who brought to the public’s attention the misbehavior.

She also explained earlier to WND how the goal of the operation was to create a false flag situation that the Obama administration could use to lobby for more gun control.

It was U.S. District Judge Amy Berman Jackson who outlined the mediation plan, and a new status report will be due April 22. If no settlement is reached, a hearing will be held April 24 for the lawsuit by Congress against Holder over his decision to withhold tens of thousands of documents on the issue.

But Pavlich cites the timing and manner of how Obama decided to assert executive privilege over the documents – a move made only 15 minutes before a congressional contempt vote on Holder over the documentation.

“There is plenty of evidence that shows that they are liable,” Pavlich said. “These documents will show much more White House involvement.”

“The fact is there are at least 200,000 documents related to Fast and Furious,” said Pavlich, with “70,000 documents requested by the oversight committee and only 7,000 have been released. Many of which are completely blacked out.”

Pavlich said there is the possibility that not all of the documents related to Operation Fast and Furious will be released. There are certain situations when the justice system can keep information from the American people, she said.

She said the Department of Justice first stonewalled the documents, then released some following a court order, but the case now is “exactly where the Justice Department wants it to be, wrapped up in the court system.”

Pavlich does not expect the documents to be released at any time soon, as “there is no reason why they wouldn’t want” to delay release until after Obama leaves office. “They are going to delay it as long as possible.”

She said there are a number of repercussions possible, but “the next move” should be “to arrest Eric Holder on the Senate or House floor.”

Holder has defended his refusal to release the documents by saying the release could interfere with other investigations that the Justice Department is currently conducting.

This refusal to turn over all documents requested in a subpoena in 2012 has led to Holder being held in contempt in a bi-partisan vote.

See Pavlich’s report:

Read Pavlich’s “Fast and Furious: Barack Obama’s Bloodiest Scandal and the Shameless Cover-Up.”

The Office of the Inspector General earlier cleared Holder, but found fault with several other senior officials. One of the key reasons was that the IG said he found Holder “did not learn about Operation Fast and Furious until late January or early February of 2011 and was not aware of allegations of ‘gun walking’ in the investigation until February.”

However, there have been allegations he – and possibly Obama – knew much more, and much earlier, than they have admitted.

The BATF lost track of about 2,000 guns in Fast and Furious, two of which were linked to the death of Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry in December 2010.

In another related lawsuit, Holder actually has asked the federal court to delay production of the documents indefinitely.

The case was brought by Washington watchdog Judicial Watch, and Holder responded with a motion to stay the case, which essentially would suspend action indefinitely.

“It is beyond ironic that the Obama administration has initiated an anti-gun violence push as it seeking to keep secret key documents about its very own Fast and Furious gun walking scandal,” said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. “Getting beyond the Obama administration’s smokescreen, this lawsuit is about a very simple principle: the public’s right to know the full truth about an egregious political scandal that led to the death of at least one American and countless others in Mexico. The American people are sick and tired of the Obama administration trying to rewrite FOIA law to protect this president and his appointees. Americans want answers about Fast and Furious killings and lies.”

While Congress had found Holder in both civil and criminal contempt, the U.S. attorney for D.C., Ronald Machen, chose to ignore the congressional resolution that would require him to bring charges.

Read Pavlich’s comments about the government’s false flag operation against gun dealers as well as how the government retaliated against the whistleblowers that revealed the scandal.