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Why I totally support background checks... for members of Congress and the Obama administration


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March 25, 2013

(NaturalNews) In the midst of the big debate about "background checks," I thought it important to weigh in on the issue and profess my full and total support for background checks... for members of Congress. We need to know who these people are, how they all seem to collect so much financial wealth while "serving the public," and whether they have any history of violating their sworn oaths of office to the Constitution.

We also need deep background checks on the entire Obama administration, including Obama himself whose background seems clouded in questionable documents and hidden records. And if the federal government is going to say the People of America are criminals if they smoke marijuana, then it only makes sense to call for full drug tests for the entire Obama administration. After all, if they have nothing to hide, why not submit to such tests? (See how that logic works?)

While we're at it, we should probably also test every Senator and Supreme Court justice for mind-altering pharmaceuticals and chemotherapy drugs which cause "chemo brain." We can't have Supreme Court justices sitting on the bench, making brain-damaged decisions because they're in the middle of a toxic chemo treatment. (And yes, chemotherapy really does cause brain damage.)

Psych drugs are yet another issue. How many members of Congress are on suicide-promoting antidepressant drugs? Shouldn't this disqualify them from voting on legislation because they are no longer of sound mind?

How many members of Congress are on statin drugs? Blood pressure medications? Or just badly in need of a colon cleanse or a liver flush?

While the federal government says that the People can't be trusted with anything -- and especially not firearms -- the far more sobering truth is that we the People have no real basis to trust those running the government! They might be sociopaths, power freaks, medication heads or substance addicts.

Why should we trust DHS with 1.6 billion rounds of ammunition when they refuse to even acknowledge that these bullets exist? Why should we trust the TSA to reach down our pants at the airport? Why should we trust Eric Holder to dish out "justice" when he's the guy masterminding the running of guns across the border to Mexico? Why should we trust Ben Bernanke when he's a serial counterfeiter?

I'll trust a Texas farmer with a rifle far more than I'll trust a Senator with an agenda to destroy the Constitution. And if we're going to talk about background checks, let's make 'em count where they are needed the most: checking out the backgrounds of the bureaucrats running the government.