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16 Reasons Why Congress Has a Low Approval rating.

The Lone Star Watchdog

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March 14, 2013

FBI: Just Existing Living Our Life and Being Born, You Might Be a Terrorist

Congress is useless. We have a crybaby as speaker of the house. We have a mental case as a minority leader. The US Senate is a bunch of empty suits. None of them really represent us. K-street dominates the agenda. With only a handful of brave souls fighting for the rights of the people, and the US Congress is disappointing.

Since the Tea Party victory in 2010, the political establishment in both parties has quashed the agenda. Some have been there so long in congress they have nurses ready to change out an oxygen tanks to keep the person breathing.  Many of these people need to go home and live under the laws they pass and impose on us. The low approval of Congress has been a long time coming. Here are reasons why congress is held in much contempt by the public.

1. Congressmen and woman have bounced checks. Nothing was done, only a select few were punished. Many who did it will never see inside a jail cell. A peasant will have the book thrown at them.

2. The House Postal Scandal when Congressmen laundered money using the Post office through stamps. Still no one went to jail.

3. The Congress exempts themselves from the laws they pass like the Social Security Act and Obamacare. Still we will go to jail or be fined heavily if we do not pay our social security taxes on our hired help and will face a costly penalty for refusing to purchase expensive health insurance under Obamacare.

4. Congress insider trades, a thing we can go to jail for by politicians who make themselves immune from prosecution. The US Government owes Martha Stewart an apology for going after her for insider trading they could never prove. They just sent her to prison for another charge lying to the government for a crime they could not prove.

5. Attorney General Eric Holder responsible for operation fast and furious is not arrested or charged for running guns to Mexico. The AG lied to congress and is walking free.  Still the US Government goes after Roger Clemons for lying to Congress. Eric Holder walks and Roger Clemons spent a lot of money on lawyer to stay out of jail.

6. There is no objection from Congress when President Obama bypasses Congress with the use of executive orders when legislation fails to pass the legislative process.

7. The Speaker of the House has removed the most Conservative and constitutional members of Congress from key committees and subcommittees like Walter Jones and Justin Amash.

8. The Congress votes themselves pay raises. Something we cannot do.

9. Most of our Representative and Senators are bought and paid for by AIPAC to do the will of Israel against the wishes of the American people.

10. Congress votes for bills they do not read that affect the people, but exempt themselves from.

11. In 2011, the Congress had a chance to balance the budget by not raising the debt ceiling. They caved in to giving the President what he wants increasing the debt 1.4 trillion dollars. Also having a super congress which is not in the Constitution.

12. No banker or Wall Street Oligarch is held accountable by congress because they pay for their reelection campaigns. Illegal foreclosures and other financial crimes, money laundering drug money, john Corzine’s theft of segregated accounts. Congress looks the other way.

13. Congress investigates steroid use in professional baseball but ignores the steroid problem in law enforcement at all levels from the city to the county.

14. They vote for laws that violate Constitution. They passed the NDAA that allows the right of habeas corpus to be destroyed. The voted to keep the Patriot Act law against the wishes of the people.

15. Congress failed to stop  Obama launching wars without a declaration of war. They havebeen silent.

16. Congress has done nothing. They are useless to the people, but not to the bankers and Israel.

The trouble is. Congress is in session for way too long. They need to return to their districts and live under the laws they pass more than they need to be in Washington DC being wined and dined by lobbyist of MONSANTO and taking vacations to Israel paid for the Israeli lobby. Maybe if Congress stayed home more with the people they represent and not in Washington, that low nine percent approval rating Congress has will disappear. You agree?