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Solari Stories: The Fiscal Cliff and Gun Control

/catherine Austin Fitts

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March 1, 2013

"Solari Stories" is a new, brief weekly video feature from Catherine Austin Fitts. The Daily Bell is pleased to be able to make these available to our readers. Here are Catherine's first two, with a snippet of transcript for each and link to the full videos.

Solari Stories #1: The Fiscal Cliff and Gun Control

"There is absolutely a relationship between the fiscal cliff and gun control and gun control serves several purposes. The leadership has been trying for many years to disarm the population and throughout the English-speaking world we've seen that happen in many other countries and the effort to disarm the population here is very significant. And it is significant coming as it did right upon the fiscal cliff negotiations for two reasons.

"One is, if you look at what has to happen in terms of reducing spending and/or increasing taxes and changing the financial operations of the country given the dependency of the general population, I think that the leadership is very sensitive to the fact that we have not been running the federal finances according to the law and if it came to a real confrontation with citizens over how money was going to be allocated, the citizens are on very strong legal grounds to say, "No, we're not going to pay taxes. We're going to escrow taxes. We're going to assert all sorts of legal authorities over how the money is being managed." I think the leadership is on very shaky legal ground and as a result is very concerned that the population would have the physical ability to prevent all sorts of what I would call illegal enforcement. ... "

Click on the photo to watch:

Solari Stories #2: Divide and Conquer

"... But what I've found, unfortunately, is that in a divide and conquer situation it's relatively easy if you control the fed budget to buy people into opposing camps. So for example, we saw during the fiscal cliff negotiations New York State constantly was turned down on the Hurricane Sandy relief package and yet we come into gun control and suddenly New York passes a gun control law and the next minute Congress passes a $51 billion hurricane relief package. Well, if you can steal $4 trillion and turn around and buy people with $51 billion packages you can buy a lot of people. ..."

Click on the photo to watch: