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Poll: Congress Is ‘Incompetent,’ ‘Terrible’


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Feb. 11, 2013

When poll respondents were asked how they would best describe the U.S. Congress, the most frequently chosen option was “Incompetent/Inept/Terrible/Bad” — 40 percent described Congress that way.

The Reason-Rupe Public Opinion Survey for Reason magazine was conducted by Princeton Survey Research Associates International in mid-January.

The second most frequently chosen description for Congress was “Partisan/Uncompromising/Stubborn” (13 percent), followed by “Greedy/Selfish/Corrupt” (11 percent) and “Childish/Immature/Irresponsible” (5 percent).

Only 4 percent chose “Excellent/Good/OK” or “Efficient/Hard-working,” while just 3 percent opted for “Honest/Dedicated.”

The survey of 1,000 adults also disclosed that 74 percent disapprove of the job Congress is doing, just 17 percent approve, and 9 percent don’t know or declined to answer.

Other poll results:

  • 53 percent of respondents believe Congress has had a negative impact on the national economy, just 10 percent say it has had a positive impact, and 32 percent think it has not had much impact either way.
  • Federal spending has increased 39 percent per person over the past 20 years, but 40 percent of those polled think the rise in spending has “reduced the quality of life,” compared to 17 percent who say it has improved the quality, while 39 percent say it hasn’t had much impact either way.
  • Respondents think at least 47 cents of every dollar paid in federal taxes is wasted.