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Paul Ryan Booed at Inauguration

Todd Beamon

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Jan. 21, 2013

Former Republican vice presidential candidate and Wisconsin Rep. Paul Ryan was booed on Monday as he left the Capitol to attend President Barack Obama’s second inauguration ceremony.


Attendees on Twitter identifed a Department of Justice lawyer as instigating the verbal assault on Ryan, but hasn't been confirmed.


Ryan said last week that he was attending Obama's public swearing-in at the Capitol, calling it his “obligation,” the Huffington Post reports.


In fact, earlier on Monday, Ryan said on Twitter, “I congratulate President Obama on his inauguration, and I join the country in celebrating this American tradition.”


And on Facebook, Ryan expanded on his Twitter statement:


“I congratulate President Obama on his inauguration, and I join the country in celebrating this American tradition.


“The president and I were political opponents,” Ryan continued. “We had strong disagreements over the direction of the country—as we still do now. But today, we put those disagreements aside. Today, we remember what we share in common.


“We serve the same country, one that is still in need of repair—and is still the freest on earth. We serve alongside men and women from both parties, who govern in good faith and good will. Finally, we serve the same people, who have honored us with their charge.


“We may disagree on matters of policy. But today we remember why we take those matters so seriously—because we seek the public good. It’s our highest duty—one that we share—and one for which we’re grateful.


“I’m happy to mark this historic occasion—for the president and for the country,” Ryan said. “And I look forward to tackling the big challenges ahead.”


Ryan, chairman of the House Budget Committee, was the running mate of former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney in the 2012 presidential election. He was re-elected to the House of Representatives in November.


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