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SANDY HOOK ~ "I'm Sorry Governor, WHAT DID YOU SAY ???"

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Published on Jan 10, 2013

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This is all I have to say about Sandy Hook... Actually just asking the honorable Governor...

And Governor, please don't arrest me, put me in jail or prison and sue me for asking what YOU said.

Did you know DHS actually had a drill practicing for this over the 2 years before it took place only hundreds of feet away from the Sandy Hook Elementary School? Another DHS drill comes true!

The governor also met with Eric Holder 2 weeks prior to this happening. Mr Fast and Furious who said publicly in 1995 we need to brainwash our children against guns?

Obama Death Squads Kill Top Gun Activists As New Massacre Fears Rise

EU Times, 1/9/2013

A new Federal Security Forces (FSB) report updating their 4 January "urgent action" memorandum to President Putin circulating in the Kremlin, today, states that the "death squads" unleashed upon America by President Obama have claimed their first two victims and warns that "another massacre" in the United States is "much nearer than first believed."

Source: ABC News

Connecticut School Shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary: Gov. Dan Malloy...