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John Tate, Campaign for Liberty

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Dec. 21, 2012

Last night, around 8:00 p.m., House Speaker John Boehner announced he would pull his “Plan B” compromise with President Obama because he didn’t have the votes.

Why?  “Plan B was a turd sandwich ... without bread,” as Congressman Thomas Massie (R-KY) put it.

I couldn’t help but chuckle when I heard that description.

Congressman Massie, of course, is part of a new wave of pro-limited government leaders in Washington, D.C. who haven’t bought into the LIE that the way to shrink government is to grow it just a little less than the statists want every year...

Of course, NBC News and the New York Times called the failure of Plan B “embarrassing” for Speaker Boehner.

Other outlets wondered if this would mark the beginning of the end of John Boehner’s time as Speaker!

Only time will tell.

But one thing is sure.  The establishment’s iron grip is weakening by the day as the American people wake up to their games ...

In fact, their whole concocted “fiscal cliff” crisis was a disaster from the get-go.

All it was designed to do is allow representatives and senators – who would do anything to avoid cutting spending - to get off the hook for a few months.

Now, they’re using the “cliff” crisis as a phony excuse to ram the status quo down our throats yet again ...

That’s right.  You and I have seen this game before.  The spending cuts that are always promised “tomorrow” never come.

You see, politicians never believe they are the problem.

After all, according to them, our nation’s $16.3 TRILLION debt has nothing to do with their spending, their irresponsibility, or their recklessness.

It’s your fault, they say.

They just don’t have enough money, because the American people are so greedy, they want to keep the money they’ve rightly earned – instead of giving it to politicians to WASTE.

And remember, taxes are only supposed to go up on the evil “rich!”

The small business owners.  The job creators.

That’s how the statists gin up support for their schemes...

... By engaging in class warfare and convincing “average” folks you don’t have a stake in the fight.

Nothing could be a bigger LIE.

As you know, tax hikes ALWAYS cause more economic pain, but that’s not even the worst of it.

Any sane person understands just who is going to be paying the price for all the politicians’ madness and our skyrocketing debt.

It’s going to be you, me, and our children and grandchildren.

Future generations of Americans will pay the price with lost liberty and lost opportunity.

That’s exactly why the statists in Washington, D.C. are fighting so hard for a phony “compromise.”

They see any so-called “deal” to send taxes skyrocketing as total affirmation of all their spending, all their government growth, all their assaults on our liberties, and all their bailouts, borrowing, and printing money out of thin air.

And should this “deal” pass, they’ll think they have a blank check to continue.

It’s up to you and me to stop them.  It’s up to you and me to fight back.

It’s up to you and me to continue “embarrassing” the Washington, D.C. political establishment by FORCING the politicians to recognize you and me aren’t the problem.

They are.

And their recklessness must come to an end.

Unfortunately, Speaker Boehner refuses to even hold a vote on legislation to protect all Americans from tax increases!  As Congressman Paul stated, "Anyone familiar with my record should realize that I would prefer to vote on legislation protecting all Americans from a tax increase.  Unfortunately, House leadership has denied me that option, which is why I voted against the rule for this bill."

You can help C4L turn up the pressure by calling your elected officials this weekend.

Leave them a message demanding they refuse to raise taxes and instead start cutting spending!

You can find your representative’s information here and your senators’ information here.

And even if you’re not in his district, I hope you’ll give John Boehner a call at (202) 225-0600 and tell him to stop compromising on principle.

In Liberty,

John Tate


P.S. Speaker Boehner’s failure to ram through his Plan B scheme has been called “embarrassing” for him.

But its rock-solid proof the establishment’s grip on politics is crumbling.

However, you and I have much more work to do to stop their mad rush to ram new tax hikes through Congress.

You can find your representative’s information here and your senators’ information here.

Leave them a message this weekend demanding they refuse to raise taxes and instead start cutting spending.

Even if you’re not in his district, I hope you’ll give John Boehner a call at (202) 225-0600 and tell him to stop compromising on principle.

And if you can, please chip in $10 or $20 to help Campaign for Liberty continue to fight the statists!