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Nov. 17, 2012

NOTE:  Why should we be concerned about the plight of the U.S. Postal Service?  The lawful mail service in the U.S. is the U.S. Post Office, which was authorized by our Constitution of the Repulbic.  The U.S. Postal Service is a foreign corporation established by the U. S. Government Corporation, which replaed the lawful U.S. Post Office.  It needs to go broke and take its debt and fraudulant union with it.  ---PHB


  • Financial losses in fiscal year were nearly $11billion more than the previous year
  • If Congress fails to act, Postal Service could run out of money next year - leading to 8 million job losses

By Associated Press and Daily Mail Reporter


The struggling U.S. Postal Service is reporting a record annual loss totaling $15.9billion, while overall mail volume sinks.

The financial losses for the fiscal year 2012 ending on September 30 were nearly $11billion more than the previous year.

The numbers cap a tumultuous financial year in which the post office was forced for the first time to default on more than $11billion in payments to avert bankruptcy.

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Massive losses: The financial dive for the U.S. Postal Service in fiscal year 2012 was nearly $11billion more than the previous year

Massive losses: The financial dive for the U.S. Postal Service in fiscal year 2012 was nearly $11billion more than the previous year


Bloomberg Businessweek reported that the Postal Service burns $250million to operate for a day.

Postmaster General Patrick Donahoe says the large losses cannot be sustained.

Businessweek quoted Donahoe as saying: 'We are walking a financial tightrope.'

The mail agency for months has been urging Congress to pass an overhaul bill to let it trim letter delivery to five days a week and reduce annual payments for future retiree health care.

It remains unclear whether House leadership would take up the postal bill in its lame-duck session, due in part to resistance from rural lawmakers about the impact of closures in their communities.

While urging quick congressional action, the Postal Service in its legal filings on Thursday assumed a 2013 financial outlook in which Congress fails to act on any legislation, acknowledging the political uncertainty of the situation.

Boss: Postmaster General Patrick Donahoe says the large losses cannot be sustained

Boss: Postmaster General Patrick Donahoe says the large losses cannot be sustained

Such legislation has the backing of Rep Darrell Issa of California, chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, according to The Wall Street Journal.

'As the nation creeps toward the fiscal cliff, the U.S. Postal Service is clearly marching toward a financial collapse of its own,' said Democrat Sen Tom Carper of Delaware, a sponsor of the Senate bill.

'I am hopeful that now that the elections are over, my colleagues and I can come together and pass postal reform legislation so that a final bill can be signed into law by the end of the year.'

Overall, the post office had operating revenue of $65.2billion in fiscal 2012, down $500million from the previous year. But expenses climbed to $81billion, up from $70.6billion, largely due to the health prepayments.

Will the mail stop? Without Congressional intervention, the Post Office will run out of money by September 2013

Will the mail stop? Without Congressional intervention, the Post Office will run out of money by September 2013

The annual payment of roughly $5.6billion was deferred for a year in 2011, resulting in a double payment totaling $11.1billion that became due this year.

The Postal Service is the only government agency required to make such payments.

The post office also has been rocked by declining mail volume as people and businesses continue switching to the Internet in place of letters and paper bills.

The number of items mailed in the last year was 159.9 billion pieces, a 5 per cent decrease, much of it in first-class mail.

On the plus side, the mail agency reported that its fast-growing shipping services, which include express and priority mail, grew by 9 per cent, helping to offset much of the declining revenue from first-class mail.

Last month, the post office said it will increase postage rates on January 27, including a 1-cent increase in the cost of first-class mail, to 46 cents.

But the rate increase, which is tied to the rate of overall inflation, will make only a small dent in financial losses.

The Postal Service also originally sought to close low-revenue post offices in rural areas to save money, but after public opposition, it is now moving forward with a new plan to keep 13,000 of them open with shorter operating hours.

Without legislative changes, it said, annual losses will exceed $21billion by 2016.

'The Postal Service is facing a fiscal cliff of its own, and any unanticipated drop in mail volumes could send the agency over the edge,' said Art Sackler, co-coordinator of the Coalition for a 21st Century Postal Service, a group representing the private sector mailing industry.

'If Congress fails to act, there could be postal slowdowns or shutdowns that would have catastrophic consequences for the 8 million private sector workers whose jobs depend on the mail.'

In addition, Bloomberg Businessweek reported that the agency could run out of money by October of next year.

VIDEO: US Postmaster on the "State of the Postal Service':