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Oct. 8, 2012

October 8, 2012 2:19 pm TheUnhivedMind 3 Comments

Russian General Petrov Discusses the US Dollar, 9-11, the Global Mafia, and Collapse

Russian General Konstantin Petrov asks some interesting questions and includes his own thoughts (perhaps the non-official Russian position) about a variety of topics that include the end of US dollar hegemony, the orchestration of the 9-11 attacks to engage America in a mid-east war, the puppeteers behind the politicians and the coming premeditated collapse of the United States of America as we know it.

Circa 2009.

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TheUnhivedMind on October 8, 2012 at 2:30 pm said:

It is interesting that most people speaking elements of truth will never name the names of the real enemy and only call them things like global elite or global mafia. We have to respect people like this who are Generals coming forth and not going the whole way with the truth for good reason but it would be nice once in a while to hear the names like I expose come out. The global mafia my friends is the Jesuit run 1814 Congress of Vienna created new unHoly Roman Empire now headed by the House of Bourbon and Jesuit trained King Juan Carlos of Spain (King of Jerusalem) under the Vatican hierarchy covert priesthood of Zeus [Jupiter] (Vatican) and Kronos [Saturn] (Jesuits).

I have said time and time again that the United States is simply the proxy whipping boy of New Jerusalem (City of London) and mastered by Georgetown ‘military fortress’ University. They divert all the hate and attention onto this false built up bully boy and this is why Old Glory flags are burnt abroad which symbolizes the destruction of freedom symbolically whilst you never even see a flag of the City of London the Knights Templar flag let alone anyone realizing to burn the pirate filth. The United States will not be destroyed as the superpower as many think. It’s show power will continue for another century until the World Government is set up properly by 2100. Any doubters will only have to use common sense and read the Project for the New American Century to see the plan. Remember the U.S. is the New World. Lands like U.K., U.S. and Australia are highly important in the occult World and highly prized. It is quite possible that Australia is even more prized than the U.S. Note how the chairman of the Reserve Bank of Australia is paid far more than Ben Bernanke of the Federal Reserve.

If you want to know the global mafia you have to look at the little horn creation in 1814 and look at the combination of Dutch, Roman and British empires working through the Livery system of New Jerusalem aka City of London the heart of the British Empire which is veiled as charity today like all these powerful Papal Orders which control the Livery pirates, intelligence and finance such as the Order of Malta through The Worshipful Company of Fuellers and The Worshipful Company of Mercers. All finance is mastered by the Mercers in combination with the Universal Postal Union in Bern, Switzerland.

All currency today is worthless and nothing more than a debt-instrument being called money but it is not. You own nothing today because these promissory notes never purchased anything properly and they only give you equitable title meaning a right-to-use. The ownership of the currency is with the legal title held by the central bank of your corporation (nation) such as the Federal Reserve or Bank of England. Only money gives legal title and that is gold and silver bullion giving both legal and equitable title free from the debt system surrounding it. The pirates of the Livery do not mind you having these metals because they know for now you have to trade them in for monopoly debt-instruments to buy anything.

-= The Unhived Mind