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Oct. 5, 2012

Executive Orders Disposition Tables Index

Barack Obama (2009-Present)

EO's 13489 - 13623   |   Subject Index

The Disposition Tables list the status of Executive Orders from:

  • January 8, 1937 - August 10, 2012

Disposition Tables contain information about Executive Orders beginning with those signed by President Franklin D. Roosevelt and are arranged according to Presidential administration and year of signature. The tables are compiled and maintained by the Office of the Federal Register editors.

The Disposition Tables include the following information:

  • Executive order number;
  • Date of signing by the President
  • Federal Register volume, page number, and issue date
  • Title
  • Amendments (if any)
  • Current status (where applicable)

Learn More About Executive Orders And About These Tables

George W. Bush (2001-2009)

EO's 13198-13488   |   Subject Index

William J. Clinton (1993-2001)

EO's 12834-13197   |   Subject Index

George Bush (1989-1993)

EO's 12668-12833

Ronald Reagan (1981-1989)

EO's 12287-12667

Jimmy Carter (1977-1981)

EO's 11967-12286

Gerald R. Ford (1974-1977)

EO's 11798-11966

Richard Nixon (1969-1974)

EO's 11452-11797

Lyndon B. Johnson (1963-1969)

EO's 11128-11451

John F. Kennedy (1961-1963)

EO's 10914-11127

Dwight D. Eisenhower (1953-1961)

EO's 10432-10913

Harry S. Truman (1945-1953)

EO's 9538-10431

Franklin D. Roosevelt (1933-1945)

EO's 6071-9537

Herbert Hoover (1929-1933)

EO's 5075-6070


FROM:  Anne and Patrick Bellringer

     TO:  TL

DATE:  Oct. 4, 2012

SUBJECT:  We need your help.

Dear TL:

    We need your help in searching for the Truth.  The following two articles do not agree concerning the number of Executive Orders issued by the presidents.  Can you search to find which information is correct?      Here are the two links:

    1.  "Executive Orders Disposition Tables Index:

    2.  Obama Has Signed 923 Executive Orders In 40 Months – Video

    We had posted the second article a few days ago.

    Thanks for your help in this matter.

                            In Love and Light,

                            Anne and Patrick Bellringer



----- Original Message -----
From: TL
Sent: Friday, October 05, 2012 6:31 AM
Subject: RE: From Anne andPatrick H. Bellringer

Dear Anne & Patrick

The beforeit’snews website is making a claim as a ‘source of information’ that basically says Obama has been signing a EO just about every day!….I find that hard to believe simply because it would not take that many EO’s to implement a ‘agenda’, hidden or overt……look at JFK – we both know he was determined to dismantle the cabal and announce disclosure. How many EO’s did he sign? About the same as the previous presidents. As a source of information, beforeit’snews needs to ‘back up’ its claim and ‘show proof’ of the EO’s. Where did they get the 923 number from? If they’re that certain of that amount, then they need to ‘show the goods’. George W Bush’s last EO was 13488…..Obama’s first was 13489 and his current last one (per the first link below from you) is 13623, or about 3 per month, which, is within the range of ‘normal’….I did find 2 additional EO’s just signed by Obama, 13626 and 13627 (links below) that are not on the link you provided…..I did additional searches for EO’s 13628, 29, 30 and came up empty……..In closing, beforeit;snews claim of 923 EO’s in about a 46 month span is a staggering amount…..they need to provide proof to back it up……….


Best regards