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We All Belong to the Government Now- The Coming Debt Slavery Epidemic

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Sept. 23, 2012

The government has proposed that anyone owing $50,000 or more to the

IRS= no passport.  They are ring fenced in the USSA tax gulag.   Suspicion of tax fraud is cause. The IRS considers you guilty;  innocence no longer presumed.

Soon enough no one will be able to  get a passport.

Any reason or no reason at all will be used to prevent the sheeples and tax slaves from leaving the gulag.   The USSR perfected this system.  We’re just taking a page from their book.

Like they said at the DNC  Convention: We all belong to the  government now‘.

I was dots connecting this AM, one of my  favorite contact  sport nowadays.

Here is what I connected.

1.  The government has  proposed that  someone  owes $50,000 or more to the

IRS—no passport.  They are ring fenced in the USSA tax gulag.   Suspicion of tax fraud is cause

enough IMO. The IRS considers you guilty;  innocence no longer presumed

2.  Anyone who was prescribed,  arrested or convicted  of using marijuana will not be able to buy a gun

legally. The DOJ has tasked the BATF with  enforcement of this new

regulation.  Goodbye 2nd Amendment.

3.  Susan Posel-Occupy Corporatist post

The new QE 3 announced last week provides for $40 to  $85 billion in

MBS purchases.  Morgan Stanley is the premier provider of this system of peddling junk  bond mortgages.  The

Fed will most certainly buy at least $1 trillion in the next year.  Result—Morgan  Stanley is saved and

can offload hundreds of billions in its toxic mortgage  portfolio, thus saving  MS.  Ditto for B of A, Wells and other mega banks that invested heavily in these securities.  This is the  stealth Too Big to Fail banker bailout we were waiting for.

Be absolutely assured the Fed will spend every  penny and then some of

these funds–to Infinity.

4   Here is what Susanne poses as the result of Fed  purchases of these toxic mortgages.  The basis for this

this assumption?  The Fed plans to  criminalize any delinquency, default, foreclosure or short sale.

15-25% of home owners are either  delinquent or in foreclosure, depending on the area.

250,000 new foreclosures per month

1,500,000 people in foreclosure today

10,000,000 mortgages are underwater

5.  The FHFA plans to go after the strategic defaulters;  those who walk away from their mortgage.  Jingle Mail will get  you jail.  This agency will focus its efforts on criminally prosecuting  those who are not paying on their loans.  47 million people in this  country are under the $27,000 poverty level. How do you make payments at  that level of income?

Imagine what would happen if a family was told they could be  arrested if they tried to default on their home, walk away from the home since its upside down mortgage or simply cannot afford to pay the mortgage  as a choice over eating or heating the home.  Food inflation will rip into family budgets if it has not already.  20% of the American  families have food insufficiency.

A family could effectively be jailed in their home, forced to pay the mortgage or in reality jailed by the feds for not paying on their mortgage. Work farms and FEMA camps come to mind.   I guess the prison system needs new slaves to manufacture consumer goods and weapons for the  military.

China is pricing itself out of the market so if the domestic prison labor force can be made to work for 23 cents an hour,  as was disclosed by a news article relating to military uniform manufacturer forced to pay off over 100 employees due to uncompetitive manufacture  pricing, then it’s just a matter of timing and money before these plans are  implemented.

6  If someone was delinquent on their mortgage or lost their home,  they would not be able to get a passport.

7.  If this seems unreasonable in light of the heavy consequences then look at the situation surrounding student loans.  Today, many states have prison time for people who default on consumer loans.

Of the $1 trillion in student loan balances, 29% are delinquent.  50% plus unemployment in graduating students means a wave  of defaults will occur in the next couple of years.   Since the Fed controls 100% of the student loan market,  these loans are not  dischargeable by bankruptcy.  The student is now a debt slave to  the USSA.

Not passports for these people either.  If the parents cosign for these loans, they are now liable for the delinquent payments. They can have their Social Security  payments, tax refunds or unemployment checks seized for payments.  They  could lose their home and now be doubly guilty for their crimes.

No passports for Mom and Dad either.

Moral of the story.   Soon enough no one will be able to  get a passport.

Any reason or no reason at all will be used to prevent the sheeples and tax slaves from leaving the gulag.   The USSR perfected this system.  We’re just taking a page from their book.

Like they said at the DNC  Convention: ‘ We all belong to the  government now