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PRESENTING: The Most Corrupt Members Of Congress

Progressive Radio Network

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Sept. 20, 2012

Rep. Laura Richardson (D-CA)

CREW’s Charges: Richardson is being investigated for claims that she forced her official Congressional staff to work on her re-election campaign, then later obstructing an official ethics investigation into the claims.

If the claims against Richardson are true, the California Congresswoman is an awful boss. According to the CREW report, Richardson repeatedly forced her congressional staff to do hundreds of hours of unpaid work for her 2010 re-election campaign, and penalized employees who fell short of her expectations.

Some instances are particularly glaring, like forcing an employee to put fliers on cars until two in the morning, or penalizing someone who was on . She also forced interns to attend a fundraiser and even had one staff member volunteer for her opponent to collect intel.

Earlier this year, Richardson admitted to a seven-count Statement of Alleged Violation in front of the House Ethics Committee and was forced to pay a $10,000 fine.

Rep. David Rivera (R-FL)

CREW’s Charges: Rivera is under investigation by the FBI and the IRS for multiple money laundering and tax evasion schemes.

According to CREW, David Rivera has cooked his campaign books, repeatedly misreporting income on mandatory finance disclosure forms, and using campaign funds to steer to family and friends. His accounts situation was described as “a mystery” by a prosecutor, and, according to investigators he’s been dishonest on reporting information.

Rivera is also accused of breaking multiple campaign finance laws when he intervened in a Democratic primary by paying for his preferred opponent’s mailers.

Rep. Rob Andrews (D-NJ)

CREW’s Charges:  Andrews earmarked federal funds for his wife’s employer and also used his campaign for personal expenses — including a lavish family trip to Scotland.

In 2011, Andrews used campaign funds to fly to Scotland for the wedding of a friend, three nights at the five-star Balmoral Hotel and racking up $30,000 in extravagent expenses, including the purchase of fine china and thousands spent on food and petty expenses.

He also tapped into the campaign fund for a $10,000 elegant carnival-themed graduation party for a daughter, and later spent $97,000 on California trips to jump start his daughter’s acting career. And his congressional campaign made generous donations to theaters where his daughter performed.

His wife’s employer, Rutgers University School of Law, has received more than $1.5 million in earmarks from Andrews.

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