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The Lonestar Watchdog

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Sept. 18, 2012

The founders of this nation would be really beside themselves seeing how much power the President and the US Government has. There has been so much abuse of power the chief executive has amassed ever since 1913. The President issuing executive orders making an end run around congress usurping our freedoms has reached a climax.

Many Presidents in the past have used the War Powers act to issue executive orders against the American people. FDR used the War Powers act and the Trading with the enemy Act to confiscate the American people’s gold. President Bush signed PD-51 using the War Powers act to make the office of President an absolute dictator. Bush used the War Powers act and PD-51 to threaten Congress with Martial Law if they did not pass the TARP bailout.

The President now uses the War Powers act to attack nations in the name of national security or by the stroke of a pen making it law if they cannot get the bill passed by congress. President Obama might pass Cyber security by executive FIAT since congress will not pass the bill. He will use the War Powers act as his sole authority claiming national security. War Powers legislation needs to repealed permanently.

What Legal Precedent did FDR use to declare a national emergency. By declaring a bank holiday and stealing the gold out of people’s safety deposit boxes. FDR used the War and Emergency Powers Act of 1917

FDR had congress to pass the War Powers act of 1933. The act allowed FDR to seize property and to form agencies outside the Constitution.  This is the act that made the American people the enemy.

There was the War Powers Act of 1941 that gave the Federal Government more power as a result of the attack on Pearl Harbor. I wonder if this act was used to put many Japanese Americans into internment camps without the right to habeas corpus or due process under the law.

In 1973 there was the War Powers Resolution out of concern President Nixon was making an end run around congress taking the nation into war. President Nixon signed a series of executive orders implementing citizens be relocated, to be put into work brigades, to seize private property, transportation and communications. All unconstitutional and illegal for any branch of government to grab so much power.

It is very obvious that we did not have any War Power Acts before 1913. When the 16th and 17th amendment were supposedly ratified along with the Federal Reserve Act. The Federal Government since then started granting themselves authority the Constitution never granted and usurped the powers from the states.

It is time for the states to take back power that is granted to them under the 9th and 10th amendments of the Bill of Rights. The states and the people never gave them the consent to have special war powers to suppress the people in the name of fighting a phantom enemy. States need to stand up and say no ones gold, guns or property will be seized because of an executive order.

The war powers act is not about streamlining the governments power in the state of a national emergency. It is about controlling the people. It is about protecting the Private Central Bankers and allowing them more power over our monetary policy.. The war powers acts since 1917 are about protecting the bankers from the people using the force of government to achieve that.

No state or branch of government never under any circumstances abrogate there authority or power to a centralized authority or the President. We must preserve the separation of powers, even during a national crises. Centralizing authority abrogating ones duty is why we are in so much trouble today. We do not need anymore war powers acts, just follow the Constitution.