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How To Determine The Capacity of 'Government'

Truth Now

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Sept. 16, 2012

Those who claim "Government" status must prove it. Why..? up to 2 years in jail would be reason enough...




The sole purpose of this process is to determine the capacity in which "Government" are really acting in and then to formalise that capacity such that one can deal with them. It is like drawing a line in the sand. Before any matter arising from any "Government Department" can be addressed, the parties must be identified.


Clarification is sought:


Who exactly is one dealing with..?


  1. Is one dealing with de jure Government..? or
  2. Is one dealing with a Corporate Entity who we presume is de jure Government..?

Why is this important..?


One may be dealing with an imposter.. who likely faces up to 2 yrs in jail under the Crimes Act 1914 (With Royal Assent and not repealed).


Suggested Process ID Required


How..? Have "Government" provide the evidence..! Everywhere one turns 'officials' demand evidence of who you are. Show your ID. Prove your identity.


Now it is "Government's" turn..! Ask them for ID.

  1. Notice: Does recipient act as a Commonwealth Officer or a Corporate Entity..?
  2. Notice of Fault: Provides a second chance if no sufficient response was received.
  3. Notice of Default: Formalises the outcome of the process... ie who you are dealing with.
  4. Actions & Consequences Guidance for dealing with follow up actions and consequences to notices.

These three notices are no different in process a utility would use to recover an unpaid invoice. It is a process recognised world wide used by courts and the legal profession. Click the links to explore suggested content and process.