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Dear John - CAFR1 Reply

Walter Burien - CAFR1

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Sept. 5, 2012

CAFR1 reply to John Smith  (Name changed to protect the uninformed) email being replied to copied below reply.

FYI from,

Walter Burien - CAFR1


Let's see, you say: "point out the significant numbers?"

That would be the number "1", you.

Now that you have your local government's Annual Financial Report in your hands, a document you were not supposed to see in the first place, what is the first thing you do? ANSWER: You have asked someone else to look at it and count marbles in someone else's bag for you. How many marbles in the bag may be important, how they got and are maintained there is what really is important.

Send me a copy of what has always been available to you, your statement of net worth. I would find it interesting to see what you have as a curiosity. I can then get back to you and "point out the significant numbers" that you have created at this point in your life.

It is your back-yard and you should take the time to look and see what jumps out at you. I would suggest reading the notes to the financial section first to spot those specialty funds designated for x purpose that you never knew existed in the first place.

Numbers are important  but the motive; intent; and what was done out of oppertunity from your local government players by having the key to the vault in their hands is what is important and how the numbers got there in the first place. So look and learn. Share what you learn with your neighbors, friends, and business associates having them do the same.

In every venue across the country for decades government attorneys have been cutting deals behind closed doors to take money from the population in any fashion or through whatever scheme they can think up.

Babies have diapers changed for them, adults maintain or change the world. So now that you know where to look, look at your local government(s) Annual Financial Report the CAFR and learn. Then maybe you can maintain or change  the landscape of your own back-yard..

What effects the appearance of your own back yard?

ANSWER: The City; County; School District; Enterprise; Pension; local government investment pool; and Court System CAFRs. 

I will note that individually and collectively for your local government there is an inflow of money and standing investment capital involved each day that is more than Midas ever dreamed about.

AGAIN, look and learn.

In the event you are not an adult yet where easy entertainment is the objective, then I would suggest the TV Guide or a YouTube that over 12-million individuals have watched to date  -

Sincerely and with your best results in mind,

Walter Burien -

P. O. Box 2112

Saint Johns, AZ 85936

Tel. (928) 458-5854