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CIA whistle blower Susan Lindauer - the FULL TRUTH ABOUT SADDAM HEUSSEIN, Sanctions and the CIA and 9-11 --

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July 19, 2012

Susan Lindauer risks her life (and went to jail under the Patriot Act) to tell all she knows  -- and she was in the best position to know about Iraq  -- she was the conduit of information between the Iraqi government and the CIA  -- and she confirms everything that you and I have merely deduced.  Why hasn't this woman been lifted up by the people -- I say we lift her up now  -- we get her story out  -- we finally act on the information she has given us.  -- Dick Eastman
Former CIA Asset, Susan Lindauer 
Go right to minute 6 and 10 seconds -  you will see Lindauer in her red coat.
Download this.   (Can someone remake this video - without the worthless introduction!!!  It should not have been included.)  Everything any of us have deduced about government motivations and awareness is verified first hand right here!!!!!  The CIA knew it was coming - they were to afraid to resist the ball they knew was rolling at the highest levels of their own government.
This testimony alone the is enough to convict the US government of 9-11.
This is the most important testimony in the world.
Go to time 6:10 just before Lindauer begins speaking.
This is the most important whistleblower of 9-11.
Skip the introducer -- he says nothing important -- and go right to Lidauer's recounting of the critical events prior to 9-11.  
Former CIA Asset, Susan Lindauer  tells of commission members being paid off  -- one with $13 million   -- she was arrested under the Patriot Act   Arrested for five years  - no trial  -- only one hearing.  Meuller "threw" all of the terrorism investigations.

 also of extreme importance  -- this witness came out of the big hole in the building and saw no evidence of a plane crash

Pentagon Employee Says Plane Did Not Crash into Building - 911 Inside Job



Dick Eastman - Pentagon


Dick Eastman Pentagon video --  the best evidence of a missile strike -- and of the Boeing flying over the Pentagon and that the C-130 dropping the small pieces of debris that were afterwards photographed