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July 18, 2012

Romney Lapdog Joins Criminal Senate, Guarantees $9 Billion Dollars (plus interest) in Loans to Israel in six second voice vote.

U.S. Senate also acknowledges “efforts to expand cooperation between the United States and Israel in homeland security, counter-terrorism, maritime security, energy, cyber-security, and other related areas.”

Have you heard about the the “United States-Israel Enhanced Security Cooperation Act of 2012″?It was introduced by Senator Barbara Boxer on 3/6/12 with 71 Cosponsors.

The House passed their version [H.R.4133] on May 9, pledging unlimited loyalty and riches to our “special friend” Israel, with only two congressman dissenting- Ron Paul and Democrat John Dingell of Michigan.

The U.S. Senate passed their version on Friday June 29, 2012. Known in the Senate as S.2165, the measure guaranteed an astonishing $9 billion dollars in loans to Israel (plus all fees and interest!) in addition to giving “military assistance- stockpiles of defense articles” valued at $200 million for 2013 and $200 million for 2014.

Boxer praised passage of the bill, stating:

“I am so pleased that the Senate moved quickly to pass this important bill, which reaffirms the important bond between the United States and Israel and helps ensure that Israel has the necessary tools to defend itself in this time of dynamic change in the Middle East.”

Initially seeking documentation of which way turncoat Rand Paul voted on this treasonous bill, I tried to find the roll call votes. But as Harry Reid pointed out during the session, “THE NEXT ROLL CALL VOTE WILL BE AT NOON ON TUESDAY, JULY 10″.

The Senators passed this bill anonymously, in a so-called “voice vote”!

According to the Senate website, a “voice vote” is:

“A vote in which the presiding officer states the question, then asks those in favor and against to say “Yea” or “Nay,” respectively, and announces the result according to his or her judgment. The names or numbers of senators voting on each side are not recorded.”.

After tracking down the actual video of this travesty, which was no easy task- (they seem to make these things hard to find on purpose)- it was like watching something straight out of the twilight zone.

Two old guys in suits mumbling under their breath in a strange monotone fashion, with the entire U.S. Senate taking literally less than six seconds total to squander 9 BILLION DOLLARS from the American people.

A true outrage. They did not even call out each Senators name so that their constituents can hear whether they voted yea or nay.

You can watch the actual specific clip of this insane exchange now: [Direct link here.]