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Custom Search is doing the REAL reporting on Fast & Furious

From the Desk of: David Martin, Executive Vice President Media Research Center

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July 6, 2012


That is the enormous question that remains unanswered about the Obama Administration’s Fast and Furious program.  Why did our government deliberately allow guns to flow into the hands of the most dangerous drug cartels in North America? Why did they not tell the Mexican government? And why was there no plan to track these weapons?

Speculation continues to grow that Fast and Furious was an attempt to prove how dangerous U.S. guns were in Mexico to help make the case for greater gun control.  Is it possible that our own government would put hundreds of lives at risk to advance a liberal gun control agenda?

The liberal media don’t seem interested in these questions.  They don’t want to investigate this program at all, but they especially don’t want to look into WHY the Obama Administration wanted to do this. But (a division of the Media Research Center) IS interested in getting answers to these questions. just revealed that the man running Fast and Furious had a long history of working on Democratic campaigns and gun control measures.

Dennis K. Burke, who as a lawyer for the Democrats on the Senate Judiciary Committee in the 1990s was a key player behind the enactment of the 1994 assault-weapons ban, and who then went on to become Arizona Gov. Janet Napolitano’s chief of staff, and a contributor to Barack Obama’s 2008 presidential primary campaign, and then a member of Obama's transition team focusing on border-enforcement issues, ended up in the Obama administration as the U.S. attorney in Arizona responsible for overseeing Operation Fast and Furious. reporters poured over recently released Fast and Furious emails about this program including this very telling email from U.S. Attorney Burke — with the subject line “Gun Shows” — that was sent to a colleague just weeks before Border Agent Brian Terry was killed with a Fast and Furious weapon:

Would love to chat. We are about to indict around clowns for a Gun Trafficking to Mexico operation. It's a T-III investigation that we have been working w/ATF for a long time and IRS is all over some money laundering charges. It’s going to bring a lot of attention to straw purchasing of assault weapons. Some of the weapons bought by these clowns in Arizona have been directly traced to murders of elected officials in Mexico by the Cartels, so Katie-bar-the-door when we unveil this baby.

That investigation was Fast and Furious, and the weapons that killed elected officials in Mexico were only in Mexico because of a program that U.S. Attorney Burke’s office was running.

Freedom of the press is crucial in a free society so that citizens can know what their government is up to. takes this responsibility seriously and will continue their hard work of uncovering the facts about this deadly scandal. The liberal media are more interested in supporting socialist policies and politicians than investigating or reporting on a major story like this one.

You can help answer the question of WHY our government would do something this horrible by doing three things:

  1. Read the whole story and other Fast and Furious coverage, by being informed you can help to keep other citizens engaged and informed
  2. If you haven’t already, sign our petition demanding the media end their blackout of Fast and Furious. The liberal media want this story to go away. Help us to hold them accountable
  3. Forward this email to your friends and family, share’ coverage on Facebook and Twitter, make sure that they know just how deep this story goes.’s team of investigative reporters will continue to track down sources and comb through documents, but we need your help to ensure that the American people get the information that they need about just what the Obama Administration has been up to and why they did it.

Thank you,
