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DOJ Shocked by House Findings

Grassfire Nation Update

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Grassfire Nation Update

Grassfire has just learned that Attorney General Eric Holder will appear before the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee today (June 7). It is expected Chairman Darrell Issa will confront Holder with explosive new evidence regarding the botched "Fast and Furious" gun tracking scandal. Please see alert below and take fast action with Grassfire.


With contempt charges moving forward, and word out now linking the murder of a prominent Mexican attorney to the botched "Fast and Furious" weapons debacle, it's not been a very good week for Attorney General Eric Holder -- and it just got worse ...

Chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform committee, Rep. Darrell Issa dropped a bombshell of his own with claims that secret wiretap documents show Holder's people knew all about "Fast and Furious".

As told in, Issa said the wiretap applications by 'top DOJ officials inidcat[es] that they knew about, and should be held responsible for, not stopping the most controversial aspect of the botched gun-tracking operation".

This latest evidence runs counter to Holder's longstanding claims that the DOJ was unaware of what was happening in the botched gun walking scandal. But most surprising was the DOJ's response. When confronted by Issa, DOJ officials had the audacity to ask where he got the applications since they were supposed to be sealed by a court order.

Thanks to efforts of Rep. Issa and continued grassroots pressure calling for justice the shroud is lifting on this scandal -- one that has claimed the lives of hundreds of Mexican nationals, a U.S. Border agent and now Mexican attorney Mario Gonzalez Rodriguez, the the brother of the former Chihuahua state attorney general.

In the latter incident, the DOJ waited 8 months before alerting the Mexican government about the tie to operation "Fast and Furious."

+ + Is the Rogue Nature of the DOJ About to End?

Our nation's "runaway Justice Department" must be brought in line. Issa's daming evidence must result in top down accountability!

In a letter to Holder, Issa writes, "the application discussed -- in no uncertain terms -- the reckless tactic used in Operation Fast and Furious, in light of the information contained in these wiretap applications, senior Department officials can no longer disclaim responsibility for failing to shutdown Fast and Furious because they were unaware of the tactics used."

With this evidence, will this scandalous chapter be brought to a close? Will those responsible be brought to justice? Will the families of the slain victims finally have closure?

Only if "We the People" demand it.

Having already signed our national petition -- a petition that has been hand-delivered to key members of Congress as well as the DOJ, we're asking you now to fax your two Senators, your Representative and key leaders in Congress demanding they too demand accountability and justice.

Go here now to schedule your faxes.

Holder and his people have wiggled around the law for months, but now it appears he is pinned to the mat. Now it is up to us to turn up the heat -- to demand our elected leaders in Congress get on board with Issa and bring this sordid chapter to a close.

But it won't happen unless we grassroots patriots demand it. With this compelling new information in hand, you have an opportunity to play a key role in bringing this to an end by faxing your personal comments directly to your elected lawmakers as well as key leaders in Congress.

Let them know you want justice. Go here to schedule your faxes for fast delivery.

Thanks for allowing us to represent you!

Grassfire Nation

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Grassfire Nation, a division of Grassroots Action, Inc., is a million-strong network of grassroots conservatives that is dedicated to equipping you with the tools that give you a real impact on the key issues of our day.  Copyright 2012 Grassroots Action, Inc.

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