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Citizens for Health

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May 23, 2012


Dear Citizen for Health,

Health Freedom insiders on Capitol Hill have informed us that Senator Dick Durbin [D-IL] plans to introduce a dangerous amendment to S. 3187, the Food and Drug Administration Safety and Innovation Act, as early as today.

Durbin’s amendment would grant the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the Institute of Medicine the power to compile a list of dietary ingredients that pose a potential threat - and there’s the rub. What are the measures by which an ingredient will be deemed to pose such a threat? And why give the FDA, an agency that has shown an anti-supplement bias in the past, the power to arbitrarily amass a list of “potentially dangerous” dietary ingredients, especially when there is already a system in place to ensure the safety of supplements?

Sound familiar? It should - you helped us defeat this move last year when it appeared as S. 1310 - Durbin's Dietary Supplement Labeling Act of 2011. Please use the link below to call your Senators right away and urge them to oppose Durbin's amendment when it's introduced, and to focus instead on holding unscrupulous food companies accountable to our existing system of consumer protections.

Call Your Senators Now!

S. 1310 was a misguided response to marketing tactics by unscrupulous food companies trying to circumvent FDA standards - and so is the amendment to S. 3187 Durbin is expected to introduce any time now.

The most familiar example, apparently the reason for both Durbin's failed bill and his expected amendment to S. 3187, is the brownies product called Lazy Cakes. Concerned parents made the story national news due when they discovered they were feeding their children brownies containing melatonin. The makers of Lazy Cakes, afraid that their profit margin would take a serious blow if they had to add a warning to the product label, decided to re-brand the brownies as “dietary supplements”.

Citizens for Health understands and shares the concerns about makers of treats like Lazy Cakes, or the plethora of “energy drinks” that have exploded on the market in the last decade - they are exploiting our system of consumer safety regulations and unethically targeting children with their duplicitous marketing. However, the solution is not to investigate the manufacturers of supplements and dietary ingredients, who have demonstrated time and again their ability to ensure the safety of their products – it should be to investigate the food companies exploiting the system!

Call Your Senators NOW!

Leave a voicemail, or a message with an aide saying that you have learned that Senator Durbin plans to offer an amendment to S. 3187 that unfairly targets makers of dietary supplements and that your Senator should oppose it when it's introduced. Please also ask your Senator to focus instead on holding accountable the duplicitous companies looking to circumvent existing regulations.

Keep an eye on your email box and on for updates as this issue develops. Thank you, as always, for being involved,

The Citizens for Health Team

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