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LIST of Dual-Citizenship of So-Called Leaders

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April 19, 2012

When are people gonna wake up and look at what's happening.. They are keeping everyone's eye on the Financial Market as they slowly take over all Government Offices.... They are dismantling our Constitution in the name of "Terrorism" "Safety" "Security"... WAKE UP PEOPLE!
Who Cares about the Money if we Don't Have A COUNTRY?? for the Latest Real News
In addition to our next President having a Dual-Citizenship we have this....
RE: LIST of Dual-Citizenship of So-Called Leaders.
People need to realize!! Are the interests of the US and American citizens being served by these people... ? Not from my perspective!
----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------


From: Pioneer

Date: Jan 5, 2009 5:18 PM

----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------


From: Guy

Date: Jan 5, 2009 5:13 PM




American / Isreali Dual Citizens in the American Government
Attorney General - Michael Mukasey


Head of Homeland Security - Michael Chertoff

Chairman Pentagon’s Defense Policy Board - Richard Perle

Deputy Defense Secretary (Former) - Paul Wolfowitz

Under Secretary of Defense - Douglas Feith

National Security Council Advisor - Elliott Abrams

Vice President Dick Cheney’s Chief of Staff (Former) - “Scooter” Libby

White House Deputy Chief of Staff - Joshua Bolten

Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs - Marc Grossman

Director of Policy Planning at the State Department - Richard Haass


Trade Representative (Cabinet-level Position) - Robert Zoellick

Pentagon’s Defense Policy Board - James Schlesinger

UN Representative (Former) - John Bolton

Under Secretary for Arms Control - David Wurmser

Pentagon’s Defense Policy Board - Eliot Cohen

Senior Advisor to the President - Steve Goldsmith

Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary - Christopher Gersten

Assistant Secretary of State - Lincoln Bloomfield

Deputy Assistant to the President - Jay Lefkowitz

White House Political Director - Ken Melman

National Security Study Group - Edward Luttwak

Pentagon’s Defense Policy Board - Kenneth Adelman

Defense Intelligence Agency Analyst (Former) - Lawrence (Larry) Franklin

National Security Council Advisor - Robert Satloff

President Export-Import Bank U.S.

- Mel Sembler

Deputy Assistant Secretary, Administration for Children and Families - Christopher Gersten

Assistant Secretary of Housing and Urban Development for Public Affairs

- Mark Weinberger

White House Speechwriter - David Frum

White House Spokesman (Former) - Ari Fleischer

Pentagon’s Defense Policy Board - Henry Kissinger

Deputy Secretary of Commerce - Samuel Bodman

Under Secretary of State for Management - Bonnie Cohen

Director of Foreign Service Institute - Ruth Davis

<a href=' n=a4712a35&cb=INSERT_RANDOM_NUMBER_HERE' target='_blank'><img src=' zoneid=22385&cb=INSERT_RANDOM_NUMBER_HERE&n=a4712a35' border='0' alt='' /></a>

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We the People's picture

Dual Citizenship -- Loyal to Whom? [redux]



Posted earlier, highly relevant - even moreso than the original post:

SteveMT's picture

Wake up and do what? What do you recommend?

Should we set aside a day or maybe better a night....yes, we can have another "Kristallnacht" as in: the night of November 9, 1938, on which the Nazis coordinated an attack on Jewish people and their property in Germany and German-controlled lands. We will in this case just target those bad dual-nationals, who by virtual of this designation, rose to power, not by their own hard work and initiative, but by this designation alone and the NWO template for global enslavement. They were given these positions of power because they were dual citizens.
If such an action were to be taken, the people performing this "cleansing" would be termed Nazis, anti-semitic, Jew-haters.
So what action should be taken by this information that you have provided to us. There must be something to remedy this situation.
We the People's picture

Dual Citizens are Illegal in the U.S. Government:


No person holding any office of profit or trust under them, shall, without the consent of the Congress, accept of any present, emolument, office, or title, of any kind whatever, from any king, prince, or foreign state.

- United States Constitution
SteveMT's picture

From the U.S. State Department Code.

Dual nationality can occur as the result of a variety of circumstances. The automatic acquisition or retention of a foreign nationality, acquired, for example, by birth in a foreign country or through an alien parent, does not affect U.S. citizenship. It is prudent, however, to check with authorities of the other country to see if dual nationality is permissible under local law. Dual nationality can also occur when a person is naturalized in a foreign state without intending to relinquish U.S. nationality and is thereafter found not to have lost U.S. citizenship: the individual consequently may possess dual nationality. WHILE RECOGNIZING THE EXISTENCE OF DUAL NATIONALITY AND PERMITTING AMERICANS TO HAVE OTHER NATIONALITIES, the U.S. Government also recognizes the problems which it may cause. Claims of other countries upon dual-national U.S. citizens often place them in situations where their obligations to one country are in conflict with the laws of the other. In addition, their dual nationality may hamper efforts to provide U.S. diplomatic and consular protection to them when they are abroad.
Dual-nationals are permitted, but not encouraged.
We the People's picture

Nothing Supercedes the Constitution.


Further, you distorted the meaning of the text you quoted. That does not state that dual citizens are allowed to hold office, it merely says Americans may have dual nationality.

Did you distort that intentionally, SteveMT?
SteveMT's picture

Eligibility for public office of dual nationals.

A person who becomes a U.S. citizen through naturalization is not considered a natural born citizen. Consequently, naturalized U.S. citizens are not eligible to become President of the United States or Vice President of the United States. For example, as of 2008, the U.S. Secretary of Labor (Elaine Chao) and the U.S. Secretary of Commerce (Carlos Gutierrez) cannot succeed to the presidency because they became U.S. citizens through naturalization. Ordinarily, the Secretary of Commerce and the Secretary of Labor are tenth and eleventh in the presidential line of succession, as established by the Presidential Succession Act. The highest-ranking naturalized people to have been excluded from the Presidential Line of Succession were Henry Kissinger and Madeleine Albright, each of whom would have been fourth (as Secretary of State) had they been natural born citizens.
In fact, the phrase "natural born citizen" is not defined anywhere in the Constitution itself and its interpretation has never been the subject of a U.S. Supreme Court ruling. Thus, some argue that even those born abroad to U.S. citizens are not eligible to ascend to the Presidency, since an act of the United States Congress such as the Naturalization Act may not overrule the Constitution (see "Natural born citizen" as presidential qualification). Thus far, presidential candidates George W. Romney (born in Mexico), Barry Goldwater and John McCain (born in U.S. territories), were never seriously challenged on the basis of their "natural born" citizenship, but no candidate falling under this classification has ever actually become President, and therefore the question must be regarded as not having been finally decided.
SteveMT's picture

Keep reading and learning.The Supreme Court has ruled on this.

The phrase "natural born citizen" is not defined anywhere in the Constitution itself and its interpretation has never been the subject of a U.S. Supreme Court rulings.
During the late 19th and early 20th centuries, the US ratified a series of citizenship treaties (the "Bancroft treaties", named after American diplomat George Bancroft). The intent of these treaties was to PREVENT dual citizenship by providing for automatic loss of citizenship by foreigners who obtained US citizenship, or by Americans who obtained foreign citizenship. As a result of the various SUPREME COURT DECISIONS ON DUAL CITIZENSHIP, however, the Bancroft treaties BECAME LEGALLY UNINFORCIBLE, and ALL OF THEM HAVE BY NOW BEEN FORMALLY ABROGATED BY THE U.S. One of these treaties (the one with Sweden) is mentioned in the Supreme Court's decision in Perkins v. Elg.
We the People's picture

What does this have to do with dual citizens holding office?


You're not going to find anything that supersedes the Constitution. Why are you even trying?

SteveMT's picture

I am just the messenger. Dual Citizens are also U.S. citizens.

In the United States, dual citizenship is not very common among politicians or government employees; however, it does occur. For example, Arnold Schwarzenegger has retained his Austrian citizenship during his service as a Governor of California.[12] In 1999, the U.S. Attorney General's office issued an official opinion that a statutory provision that required the Justice Department to employ only "citizen[s] of the United States"[13] did not bar it from employing dual citizens.[14]



At the very least, in light of the 1996 Memorandum, the Department of Justice can hire dual U.S. citizens where their effective dominant nationality is with the United States. To conclude otherwise -- that § 606 bars the hiring of all dual U.S. citizens -- would produce the anomalous result of placing U.S. citizens in a worse position than noncitizens.
There are strong arguments that the potential employees here, being citizens of the United States, are not subject to the test of effective dominant nationality. Generally, U.S. law evidences hostility towards the notion of inferior classes of American citizenship. Cf. Schneider v. Rusk, 377 U.S. 163, 168-69 (1964) (striking down statute providing for denaturalization of naturalized citizens who returned to their original nation to reside for three or more years, noting that it "creates indeed a second-class citizenship.").

Again innocent before proven guilty

there is no proof these folks hold dual citizenship. It's just an overzealous hater trying to spread more hate and divide us.

Is it "hate" to ask the question?

Is it hate to investigate? You're sounding like an official government conspiracy theorist and as such cannot be reasoned with.
BTW, thanks again for bumping this important thread exposing the Zionist traitors in the illegitimate government and associated criminal gang headquartered in Washington, D.C.


"An error does not become truth by reason of multiplied propagation, nor does truth become error because nobody sees it. Truth stands, even if there be no public support. It is self sustained." -Mahatma Gandhi

"...a nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people." -John F. Kennedy
We the People's picture

Dual Citizenship -- Loyal to Whom?


Posted earlier, highly relevant - even moreso than the original post:

How about that.

Have I mentioned before that at KY's state GOP where I was a delegate that as one of the main resolutions it called for the continuity of Sovereignty and Military and Economic aid to Israel as part of the US.. Not to mention some of Obama's picks because well not that I know but it would seem with who he appointed that the DEMS would have the same type of resolutions.
Then again the whole Right VS Left is a joke.
Good info thanks.
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Real Patriots for 9/11 truth --

Good List

I'm not against Israel as such but mix-n-match dual citizens of any Nationality, of any Country is just plain wrong and out-of-order.
Our American Forefathers were easily intelligent enough to see the divisiveness of dual-citizens, that their alliance was and is untrustworthy.

they didn't choose dual citizenship

they are automatically citizens because they are Jewish. No story here.

hello troll of Zion.

did you pick up your ADL starter package? Okay over zealous of me.. but really you aren't doing good by hate mongering. Pointing out who holds positions of power isn't bad in my book especially when it comes to reckless foreign policy.. Stick to the Constitution.. NO ENTANGLING ALLIANCES.
Find out if you have a local militia -
Real Patriots for 9/11 truth --


I really would love to see that package! ≠☻

as I said before

I don't know what ADL is. I'm standing up for freedom for all Americans and this stereotyping and hate for a religious group is not in the vain of Dr Paul's message. I'm not a Zionist nor do I support continued financial aid to Israel. We need to cut them lose and let them fight their own battles and stay out of it. but this is just ignorant to believe they have dual citizenship because someone posted a list of Jewish names with no proof and no source. Especially since Israel offers automatic citizenship to anyone of Jewish ancestry. jus sanguinis, right of ancestry, not jus soli right of soil like the US. You just believe it because its posted and you hate Jews. That's all that's required.

Well before you decide to call people racists

do you know who the power players are with the western MSM and many high ranking positions in US government? I don't hate religious groups.
I don't care for organized religions however.. Zionism is more of a political front than a actual religion. I don't hate Jewish people. and from what it seems Jewish people don't like ZIONISTS or did you miss the point of this article?
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Real Patriots for 9/11 truth --

This article

with no sources or links, claims the list of Jewish people has dual citizenship to Israel and claims they have an alliance first to Israel. Did you understand it is a better question. Where did they even get this information? Does anyone know? Zionism and Jews are not the same thing. Many, many Jews are not for Zionism. and what does that again have to do with this article? Did you even read it?
Why even be part of a movement of you can't think for yourself? Don't you even require a source so you know the intent of the information? I think the DP is being infiltrated all right, but has nothing to do with Jews or Israel.

The link I attached bright eyes.

Why even be a part of the movement when YOU!! can't see what's right in front of your face. I was referring to the subsequent link I provided there ace.
This Forum Page is merely pointing out who are Dual-Israeli citizens that hold high positions in the US government. Yet you are trying to make it something it's not.. a racists thread.
Find out if you have a local militia -
Real Patriots for 9/11 truth --

I thought it was part of your sig.

I'm sorry but people trash their posts with huge signatures and links to other sites. It didn't appear to be a link to the information. I ignore most signatures so I missed it. plus your wording was ambiguous you could have been talking about the above article or a link, it wasn't clear.

But your hate language is clear.

So tone it down. This thread is showing that their is a opposition to the Constitution by having entangling alliances.
Find out if you have a local militia -
Real Patriots for 9/11 truth --

Israel Backed by Army of Cyber-soldiers

It's becoming more and more obvious isn't it?


"An error does not become truth by reason of multiplied propagation, nor does truth become error because nobody sees it. Truth stands, even if there be no public support. It is self sustained." -Mahatma Gandhi

"...a nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people." -John F. Kennedy

Ladalang must be conscripted

Ladalang must be conscripted and on the clock... jeez what a freak! Let me give you an example of our boy:


86thefed - I think if we allow dual nationalists Jews in our government then we should let Saudi and Pakistani as well being non-biased. I prefer none at all. I think if you choose to serve in government you should denounce your foreign nationality or simply don't serve office.

Ladaland - You Jew hating poor example of a nazi!

Wow... Our friend needs some xanex!
"The use of 'Conspiracy Theorist' or 'Truther' as a derogatory -- as an epithet almost -- is something the propagandists have perfected over the decades, and it's a useful tool for eliminating articulate dissent."
"The use of 'Conspiracy Theorist' or 'Truther' as a derogatory -- as an epithet almost -- is something the propagandists have perfected over the decades, and it's a useful tool for eliminating articulate dissent."

your argument

is cyclical. And your logic faulty.

And your use of the words

And your use of the words "Jew hater" are baseless. Now go and megaphone your propaganda else ware you freak.
"The use of 'Conspiracy Theorist' or 'Truther' as a derogatory -- as an epithet almost -- is something the propagandists have perfected over the decades, and it's a useful tool for eliminating articulate dissent."
"The use of 'Conspiracy Theorist' or 'Truther' as a derogatory -- as an epithet almost -- is something the propagandists have perfected over the decades, and it's a useful tool for eliminating articulate dissent."

you seriously

belong nowhere near a freedom loving website. You are lost obviously. I've never ever gotten such a Jew hating vibe from any DPers as I have today. I hope it's just a few nuts attracted to the fringe who'll believe anything and everything anti- government. I have a feeling you are one aspirin away from killing your co-workers one of these days.

Okay I think I get your tactics...

Say "Jew hater" as much as possible especially when no one is discussing "hating Jews" and if all else fails say that your freedom loving is bigger and better than anyone else.


Got it! I can have someone prescribe something for you really... it's okay big guy!

"The use of 'Conspiracy Theorist' or 'Truther' as a derogatory -- as an epithet almost -- is something the propagandists have perfected over the decades, and it's a useful tool for eliminating articulate dissent."
"The use of 'Conspiracy Theorist' or 'Truther' as a derogatory -- as an epithet almost -- is something the propagandists have perfected over the decades, and it's a useful tool for eliminating articulate dissent."