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Fw: AnotherWeapon Found at the Crime Scene

Dudley Brown, National

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From: Dudley Brown <>

Subject: Another weapon found at crime scene


Date: Friday, March 2, 2012, 1:52 PM

Because of the pressure you are applying, Attorney General Eric Holder was forced to testify before Congress again this week.

And once again, he falsely claimed he stopped the ATF's gun-smuggling operation -- "Fast & Furious" -- as soon as he heard about it.

As you can see below in the email I sent to you last month, his story just doesn't add up.

At the same time Holder was testifying before Congress, news broke that the man who trafficked one of the weapons that killed American ICE Agent Jaime Zapata . . .  

. . . was being tracked by the ATF for almost a year at the time of Zapata's murder.

The ATF knew about the gun smuggling, and they did nothing to stop it.

Help the National Association for Gun Rights keep up the pressure to Fire Eric Holder by signing your petition below and chipping in $10 or $20.

Please click here to share the Fire Eric Holder petition with your family and friends.

-- Dudley

What I am about to tell you probably won't come as a huge shock to you . . .

. . . Eric Holder lied.

In May of 2011, Barack Obama's hand-picked Attorney General Eric Holder testified that he had only heard of "Fast & Furious" just a few weeks before. 

But according to documents released by his own Justice Department, Holder was notified of Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry's death the day it happened.

That was December 15, 2010.

Weapons found at the scene of Terry's murder were linked back to the dreadfully-planned ATF operation that included allowing firearms to "walk" across the border.

Those firearms have since been used in countless crimes, all while the Obama Administration scurries to find a way to turn the crisis into an excuse to restrict your freedoms.

The Obama Administration believed "Fast & Furious" would allow them to sneak in gun control on unsuspecting gun owners without ever having to pass legislation.

Your calls, emails, petitions and faxes demanding Holder be held accountable for his deadly actions have forced hearings into this matter on Capitol Hill.  

But it's not enough.

Gun owners across the country must make their voices heard loud and clear now more than ever.

Please sign the Fire Eric Holder petition right now:

What's new to this scandal is that Holder's backtracking on his comment of "a few weeks" being changed to "a couple months" is simply an attempt to cover up what he knows is coming.

His department has now released records showing Eric Holder knew about "Fast & Furious," and Terry's murder, several months before he indicated that he did.  

Does he really think gun owners like you and I are dumb enough to buy that?

Apparently he does.

Despite evidence showing numerous memos being sent to Holder regarding details of "Fast & Furious" throughout 2010, he would like us to think that the day agent Terry was murdered was his first exposure to the information.

I'm not going to lie to you, that infuriates me.


That's why I'm on a quest to mobilize as many gun owners as possible to call for Holder's removal.

My staff here at NAGR has alerted every Member of Congress of the tens of thousands of Fire Eric Holder petitions NAGR members and supporters have signed.

Will you help me crank up the pressure even more by signing the Fire Eric Holder petition -- if you haven't already?

It's one thing for a politician to lie -- it's entirely another for him to assume you and I are stupid.

I see two options here.

One, Holder is lying about not reading the information regarding "Fast & Furious" prior to December of 2010.

Two, he really didn't read the memos -- despite having received several of them -- which makes him incompetent.

Which is worse?

Frankly, I don't care.

I just want him gone.

Even if you have already signed the Fire Eric Holder petition, please do so again, and consider a contribution chipping in $10 or $20 to help NAGR mobilize tens of thousands of more gun owners.

Seeing someone abuse the law for their personal agenda makes me sick, and I will be following this situation, as it could get out of hand very quickly.

I will keep you updated on any future developments as they occur.

   For Freedom,


   Dudley Brown

   Executive Director

P.S. I will not sit quietly by while Attorney General Eric Holder and other Obama cronies use a crises to advance their anti-gun agenda.

Please sign your Fire Eric Holder petition and consider chipping in $10 or $20 to help me spread the word about the Obama Administration's secret war on our Second Amendment rights.

The National Association for Gun Rights is a nonprofit, nonpartisan, single-purpose citizens' organization dedicated to preserving and protecting the Constitutionally protected right-to-keep-and-bear-arms through an aggressive program designed to mobilize public opposition to anti-gun legislation. The National Association for Gun Rights' mailing address is P.O 7002, Fredericksburg, VA 22404. They can be contacted toll-free at 1-877-405-4570. Its web address is