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Feb. 13, 2012

Sen. James Inhofe on 'The Greatest Hoax'

perpetrated on Americans

After the disastrous "Climategate" scandal – revealing undeniable fraud by top global warming proponents – many Americans declared victory over leftwing environmental activists and their radical agenda of taxation, regulation and societal transformation.


But not U.S. Sen. James Inhofe.


Click here to learn more about 'The Greatest Hoax' perpetrated on Americans.


Knowing President Obama and his allies in Congress are still determined to use global warming to pull off the largest wealth redistribution in history through new "carbon taxes" and draconian regulations, Inhofe, one of the earliest and strongest opponents of climate-change hysteria, delivers the coup de grâce to the global warming movement in his new book, "The Greatest Hoax," published by WND Books.


"The Greatest Hoax" will be available in bookstores nationwide Feb. 28, but you can get your copy early from the WND Superstore! Click here.


Within the pages of "The Greatest Hoax," Inhofe has marshaled the most compelling evidence against global warming hysteria, eviscerating the left's justification for a system of regulations and taxes that would permanently hobble the U.S. energy sector and create a new bureaucracy that would exert, directly or indirectly, control over each and every American's life.


The result? According to conservative icon and New York Times best-selling author Ann Coulter, Inhofe delivers a knock-out punch.


"Senator Jim Inhofe has long been a lonely voice warning about the true mission of the global warming hysterics: Total control over the way Americans live and use energy. From the U.N., to Climategate, to U.S. lawmakers' pandering to the Friends-of-the-Earth left, 'The Greatest Hoax' tells the story of Senator Inhofe's fight to prevent these frauds from turning America from the most prosperous on Earth into a third world hellhole," she said.


Indeed, the fraud involved and the dangers to freedom and prosperity posed by this movement are so great, Inhofe describes it as nothing short of "the greatest hoax ever perpetrated against the American people."


Click here to read more.


Václav Klaus, president of the Czech Republic, agrees and predicts Inhofe's book will exert a profound influence:


"The global warming religion is an aggressive attempt to use the climate for suppressing our freedom and diminishing our prosperity," said President Klaus. "Senator Inhofe's book is an important contribution in the fight against this totally erroneous doctrine which has no solid relation to the science of climatology but is about power in the hands of unelected global warming activists. Senator Inhofe is, in this respect, one of the world's most influential voices."


Inhofe shows that despite the “Climategate” scandal and ever-increasing body of evidence and scientists refuting the radical global-warming agenda, a renewed push by those peddling the "greatest hoax" is in the wings, driven by a goal irresistible to the power-hungry left: If you control carbon, you control life. Knowing this, proponents have displayed no shame in using phony science, citing spurious data, intimidating critics and fabricating convenient lies in pursuit of what they see as a noble and glorious goal.


Thus, rather than waiting for a renewed "global warming" wave to once-again reach maximum intensity and wreak its intended havoc, Inhofe is now leading the charge to finally and definitively expose "The Greatest Hoax."


First elected to the U.S. Senate in 1994, Inhofe has served on the Senate Committees on Environment and Public Works, Armed Services, and Foreign Relations. In January 2003 he became chairman of the Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works, where he strengthened America's infrastructure through the passage of the 2005 Highway Bill and relentlessly fought against global warming taxes. His steadfast opposition not only led to the defeat of the taxes in the Senate, but provided a voice to disenfranchised scientists who, until the recent Climategate scandal, had largely been silenced.


"The Greatest Hoax" will be available in bookstores nationwide Feb. 28, but you can get your copy early from the WND Superstore! Click here.



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