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EOD: We're about to get 'Stupaked' by Obama

Grassfire Nation Update

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Feb. 8, 2012

We're about to get "Stupaked" again and as a result, Obama could get the upper hand with a key voting constiuency in November. Allow me to explain.

As you know, there has been much uproar over the new HHS edict that requires nearly all health insurance plans to cover birth control, the "Morning After" abortion pill and even sterilization. Catholic leaders have led the way in arguing that this is an unconsitutional infringement on their religious liberties because the HHS rule does not exempt most religious charities.

Polls show that a majority of likely voters are against President Obama on this issue and Speaker Boehner has promised a bill to reverse this HHS mandate and polls.

So the crucial Catholic base is getting energized, Obama seems to be on the run and the ObamaCare mandate is being exposed as an infringement on our rights. Sounds good so for. But....

We're about to get "Stupaked."

Perhaps you remember Congressman Bart Stupak. He is the allegedly pro-life Democrat who briefly held out during the key 2009 House ObamaCare vote. At the end of the day, Obama and Stupak struck a deal which saved face and really didn't protect the unborn or the liberties of those who oppose abortion. And ObamaCare passed.

It's about to happen again. Some compromise or "clarification" of the HHS edict will come forward which expands the exemption to include more religious charities (such as Catholic hospitals). We will think we won, when in fact we will have just lost in a major way with ramifications all the way to November.

That's because the issue of the ObamaCare birth control and abortion insurance mandate is being framed as an issue for religious organizations. All the polling and discussion centers on whether religious organizations should be required to pay for such insurance because it is a violation of their religious liberties.

But what about companies and organizations that are not, by definition, "religious"? For example, just because my company is not expressly a religious charity, does that mean, as an employer, I do not have the same First Amendment rights as a Catholic charity? 

If we fight this HHS battle on the "religious organizations" front, Obama wins on three very important points:

1. Since less than 10% of Americans work in the non-profit sector and only a portion of those work for a "religious" non-profit, an Obama "compromise" on religious organizations would still leave the unconstitutional abortion/birth control mandate in effect for the vast majority of Americans.

2. Even fighting the battle on the "religious" argument concedes that the ObamaCare mandate has some grounds of legitimacy for 'non-religious" companies. It doesn't. The mandate is unconstitutional and should be opposed not in the narrow theatre of "religious" organizations but on the broad foundation of the Constitution.

3. If we get "Stupaked", Obama could succeed in diffusing the issue of ObamaCare among Catholic voters. In 2008, Catholics represented 27% of the vote and went for Obama 54-45%. In 2010, Catholics supported Republicans by 54-44%. Catholics could decide who wins the White House and the Senate.

Grassfire Nation will be responding specifically to the HHS edict very soon. Be watching for that.

In other news...

Our Liberty News team is breaking ground on several crucial issues. I encourage you to read these stories, all new in the past 24 hours:

Obama's Green Car Mandate? (New)

How Dems are Stonewalling On Jobs (New)

Big Brother is getting More Surveillence Cameras (New)

Homeland Security links "militant extremists" with those who support limited government (you and me)

Also, as I write, Darla Dawald (who directs our Patriot Action Network) is personally presenting more than 93,000 petitions to Sheriff Joe Arpaio. The Obama regime has made Sheriff Joe a target because he insists on enforcing our nation's immigration laws. Next week, we'll be taking these same petitions supporting Sheriff Joe to the DOJ and Congress. If you haven't signed our petition go here.

Finally, we have some major announcements coming in the next few weeks that will provide patriotic citizens more resources to take on the rising tide of statism in our land. Stay tuned, and thanks for the stand you are taking.

Steve Elliott, Grassfire

Twitter: @stephenmelliott

My Blog: Sage of the Nansemond

Obama's Green Car Mandate? (New)

How Dems are Stonewalling On Jobs (New)

Big Brother is getting More Surveillence Cameras (New)

Homeland Security links "militant extremists" with those who support limited government (you and me)

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Grassfire Nation Audio Update: "How The Left Is Changing The Language To Defeat The Tea Party" (New)

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