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What happened last night? (Dec. 1, 2011)

Matt Hawes: Campaign for Liberty

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Dec. 2, 2011

Did you hear about what happened in the U.S. Senate last night?

One of our foremost champions of liberty in Congress took another stand against tyranny.

And the statists who thought they had certain victory within their grasp instead went down in defeat.

This time, the amendment they tried to sneak through with a voice vote was one that would have allowed the government to indefinitely detain American citizens – even if they were tried and found not guilty – until Congress declared an end to the war on terror. 

It doesn't take a lot of imagination to picture how furious the Founders would be that any American, especially one who has been found innocent of the charges, could be held indefinitely by officials sworn to uphold the Constitution.

Thanks to quick work by Senator Paul and his staff, he was on the floor to object to their attempt to slide this language through.

Instead, Senator Paul called for a roll call vote that saw the amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act defeated by a vote of 41-59.

Although this fight isn't over, and there's still other language in the Act to allow for indefinite detention that must be removed, Senator Paul beat back this amendment by being vigilant in defense of freedom.

Thanks to your support, Campaign for Liberty has grown to more than half a million members in just over three years, and we've been able to provide key allies like Rand Paul with the grassroots backup they need to stand up for freedom.

But a new year is beginning soon that will bring with it a new set of challenges – and some familiar battles that must still be waged with every ounce of our energy if we are to achieve victory.

Passing Audit the Fed.

Combating the so-called “Patriot” Act, Dangerous ID, and other assaults on our civil liberties.

Ending the Mandate and defunding ObamaCare.

Ensuring Congress passes a legitimate Balanced Budget Amendment.

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But last night's action is a reminder that, in the U.S. Congress, devastating legislation can be rammed through in a matter of minutes.

Our freedoms can be stripped away in less than a moment's notice.

The simple fact is, Campaign for Liberty can only take as much action as your support allows.  And in this tough economy, we can't fight these battles – and, I believe, win them – without your input and your contribution to our efforts.

If you haven't yet filled out your Member's Directive, I hope you'll do so right away.

We want to make sure the fights we're pursuing have your full support.

Sometimes you get a chance to wage a full, all-out battle, but quite often you have to be ready to activate your base of support and apply pressure immediately.

With a government as out of control as ours, it takes an immense amount of resources to stem the tide of tyranny.

So, after you sign your Directive, I hope I can count on your donation today.

You may be able to give $100 or even more.  You may only be able to spare $30 or $20.

Or you may just be able to chip in $10 right now.

But I hope you'll do what you can.

Together, we've made historical progress on a variety of issues. 

You've enabled our success, so it's vital we know we can continue counting on your input and your support.

C4L looks forward to once again standing with Senator Rand Paul and other allies on the critical issues facing our country in this new year, but we can't stay on the frontlines without you.

Please fill out your Member's Directive today if you have not yet done so.

In Liberty,

Campaign for

Matt Hawes

Vice President

P.S. Senator Rand Paul stood for liberty in the U.S. Senate last night by defeating a dangerous amendment that the statists were hoping to sneak through on a voice vote.

But this serves as a reminder that our freedoms can be stripped away in a moment's notice, and with a government growing more out of control by the day, it's never been more important that C4L be ready to apply pressure immediately on a variety of fronts.

If you haven't yet filled out your Member's Directive, I hope you'll do so right away so we can know which of our fights are most important to you.

And if you can, I hope you'll also contribute whatever you are able after you sign your Directive so C4L can have the resources we need to win our battle to Reclaim the Republic.