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Newt Gingrich: Super Committee Is Washington's Dumbest Idea

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Bret Baier posed a question to all of the candidates, asking if a real spending cuts deal was on the table, but included raising taxes, who would walk away from that deal? All of the candidates raised their hands.


When asked why he was shaking his head, Newt Gingrich said, "I think this "super committee" is about as dumb an idea as Washington has come up with in my lifetime."


He went onto say the idea that 523 congressman and senators are going to sit around for four months, while 12 people are going to sit in a room and brilliantly come up with a trillion dollars is irrational. He said, "They're going to walk in just before Thanksgiving and say 'Ok, we can shoot you in the head or cut off your right leg, which do you prefer.'"