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Dissatisfaction With Government Reaches All Time High

Steve Watson

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Half of the population views federal government as immediate threat to freedom

Americans are expressing historic levels of negativity toward their government, according to the latest findings by the international Pollster Gallup.

In a new survey which Gallup says represents a consistent building of discontent toward the establishment for the past decade, a record high of 81% of Americans have indicated that they are dissatisfied with the way the country is being governed.

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Majorities of 65% of Democrats and 92% of Republicans are unhappy with their government, according to Gallup’s annual Governance survey.

The survey, completed earlier this month, also found that almost half of the country (49%) believes that the federal government poses an immediate threat to individuals’ rights and freedoms.

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The poll reflects a deep and growing distrust amongst Americans in an establishment across both parties that has continually and significantly chipped away at American’s liberties since 9/11, all but destroyed the economy through both mismanagement and deliberate negligence, and has outright lied to the country on matters of the utmost importance domestically and internationally.

Dissatisfaction with Congress reaches even higher, with a whopping 82% disapproving of the way Congress is now handling its job.

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An all time high of 69% also say they have little or no confidence in the legislative branch of government, with a record 57% adding that they have little or no confidence in the federal government to solve domestic problems, and a high of 53% saying they have little or no confidence in their elected officials.

The reason for such negativity amongst the American people is quite clear. The government simply does not listen to or act in the public interest.

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Another interesting Gallup poll finds that the majority of Americans rate Obama as the same or even worse when compared with George W. Bush. 22% see no difference between the two, while 34% believe Obama has been an even worse president than Bush was.

Half of all respondents said that Obama compares less favorably to Bill Clinton, with just 12% believing he has been a better president for the country.

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Regarding it’s governance survey, Gallup concedes that “with another budget showdown looking inevitable and a contentious presidential election year getting underway, it appears the ratings reviewed here could get worse before they improve.”


Steve Watson is the London based writer and editor for Alex Jones’, and He has a Masters Degree in International Relations from the School of Politics at The University of Nottingham in England.