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Either Obama Goes or the United States Goes: Throw Obama Out of Office Today! There Are No Options, Only Solutions

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"Either Obama Goes or the United States Goes; Throw Obama Out of Office Today! There Are No Options, Only Solutions."
International Webcast On Thursday, July 21, 2011 at 12:00 Noon (Central Standard Time), "Throw Obama Out of Office Today!"

As the bankrupt international financial system blows out on both sides of the Atlantic, the so-called leading institutions are dominating the discussion with drives for fascist dictatorship, and incompetence that will lead, at best, to murderous chaos. But, on July 21, leading American economist and statesman Lyndon LaRouche will put his unique solutions on the table, in his international webcast. This webcast could well be the crucial event in determining the survival of the United States, and civilization itself.

The webcast will begin at 1 pm Eastern Time, and be available live at

It will be simultaneously translated into German, French, Spanish, and Italian.

LaRouche laid out the crucial webcast themes in his choice of title for the event. "Either Obama Goes or the United States Goes; Throw Obama Out of Office Today! There Are No Options, Only Solutions."

LaRouche's solutions begin with the immediate reinstatement of FDR's Glass-Steagall law, to be followed by the establishment of a credit system in the tradition of First Treasury Secretary Alexander Hamilton. Two bills to reinstate Glass-Steagall are now before the House of Representatives, Rep. Marcy Kaptur's H.R. 1489, and Rep. Maurice Hinchey's H.R. 2451. Once the U.S. has taken this step, LaRouche argues, it can immediately create conditions for Europe to follow, and rid itself as well, of the trillions in toxic unpayable debt, which is destroying populations worldwide. The way is then clear for re-establishing a fixed-exchange rate system globally.

The immediate action for Glass-Steagall will also create the conditions for removing President Obama, already impeachable for his crimes against the Constitution.

    Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Call Your Senators

Dear Fellow Americans,

The will of the American people was heard loud and clear on Wednesday night as thousands like you called Congress to demand that they cut the deficit immediately, cap future spending and pass a strong Balanced Budget Amendment. Thanks to your efforts, the House of Representatives PASSED the Cut, Cap, Balance Act by a bipartisan vote of 234-190!

Now this critical legislation will be voted on in the Senate this Saturday, and while Democrats may control the chamber—we have the momentum. Tell your Senators to vote YES!

President Obama talks a big game about debt reduction, but has no plan. The Democrats claim to have a budget, but introduce nothing. And rather than "cut, cap, and balance", establishment Republicans like Senate GOP Leader Mitch McConnell want to "cut, run and hide." Americans deserve better.

McConnell's plan would give Obama the authority to raise the debt ceiling, while letting his Republican Senate colleagues avoid having to vote in favor of the increase itself. That's just spineless. The other plan is a tax-raising scheme being secretly negotiated by six Senators known as the "Gang of Six".

The Tea Party movement is different. No backroom deals and no compromising our principles for political gain. We support the Cut, Cap, Balance Act as the only real and responsible solution to the fiscal crisis facing our country. 

Thank you.

In Liberty,

Kibbe Signature

Matt Kibbe

President and CEO, FreedomWorks

P.S. - No matter the odds, when faced with a decision between right and wrong—between saving our country and dooming it to financial ruin—you stand up for what's right.

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URGENT: Tell your Senators to vote YES on the 'Cut Cap Balance' Act

This bill passed in the House of Representatives! I urge you to call your Senators below to help us pass it in the Senate!

Tell him/her to vote "YES" on the Cut, Cap, and Balance Act of 2011.  

--The bill number of the House-passed bill is H.R.2560.  

--The number of the companion Senate bill is S.1340.  

--The House passed H.R.2560 on Tuesday, July 19, 2011, by a margin of 234 to 190.  5 Democrats voted in favor of the bill.

--The Senate is scheduled to vote on Senate Bill 1340 on Saturday, July 23, 2011. 

--The Cut, Cap, and Balance Act meets the criteria of the Cut, Cap, and Balance Pledge

1) It substantially cuts spending;

2) It creates enforceable spending caps;

3) It requires congressional passage of a Balanced Budget Amendment to the U.S. Constitution that includes a spending limitation and a super-majority to raise taxes before the debt ceiling can be raised.

--The debt held by the public has more than doubled in just the past five years. Interest paid on the national debt is expected to more than triple over the next ten years. 

--Many economists believe the US faces a Greek-style debt crisis within the next five years if we do not get our fiscal house in order very soon. 

--The federal government has hit the $14.292 trillion debt limit set in February 2010. Raising the debt ceiling without significant spending cuts is simply a tax increase on future generations. 

--Moody’s Investors Services has said the AAA rating of US government bonds is in jeopardy unless Congress passes “a budget that includes long-term deficit reduction.” 

--Standard & Poor's has said it will downgrade US debt if the US doesn't 1) cut spending substantially and 2) REFORM the way it budgets, to control future spending. 

--The Cut Cap Balance Act (CCB) is the ONLY debt reduction plan in Washington that meets the tests set forth by Moody's and S&P, so we never again face this kind of debt problem. In short, Cut Cap Balance = a triple-A rating ("CCB=AAA"). 

--The Cut Cap Balance Act is the only way we can stop the McConnell-Reid "Cut Run & Hide" plan, which would give President Obama the power to increase the national debt by $2.5 trillion, unilaterally. 

--The Cut Cap Balance Act is a long-term deficit reduction package that will ensure we get back on the path of fiscal sanity and are not downgraded from our AAA bond rating. 

Click here to see FreedomWorks' letter on the Cut, Cap, and Balance Act.  

Click here to see FreedomWorks' Key Vote Notice on the Cut, Cap, and Balance Act.

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Budget and Spending

Budget and Spending

The National Debt has doubled in just the past 5 years. It's projected to triple over the next 10 years. Washington is now borrowing 40 cents of every dollar it spends. Read More
