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Urgent: GOP Senators Want $1 Trillion in Taxes, Help Us Stop Them


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warned you last week that Sen. Mitch McConnell, the Republican Majority Leader, had concocted a plan to give President Obama a blank check to automatically raise the debt ceiling, subject to a two-third vote of disapproval by Congress.

But the situation has gotten even worse. A group of Senators called the "Gang of Six" is pushing a bipartisan plan calling for $1 trillion in new taxes. This group includes leading Republicans.

Clearly, Senator McConnell and liberals in the Senate think placating President Obama and the far left is smart politics.

They are wrong.

The League has a plan to expose McConnell, the Gang of Six, and any effort to give Obama more power or raise taxes!

Before I reveal our plan, let me say how dangerous it is to give Obama a blank check when it comes to the debt ceiling.

The very fact that Harry Reid is now onboard backing McConnell's plan should set off alarm bells.

According to reports, Reid spent the weekend working out the wrinkles with McConnell to cut a secret deal.

It’s now being called “The McConnell-Reid Plan.” One thing’s for sure, you don’t cut a deal with the “devil” and come out an “angel”!

But here’s what we’ve learned about it:

  • The McConnell-Reid Plan gives President Obama new power to unilaterally raise the debt ceiling $2.5 trillion in three chunks over the next year, without a Congressional majority.
  • It back-loads $1.5 trillion in spending cuts over ten years.
  • McConnell-Reid creates a new congressional committee to report a deficit plan to Congress by the end of the year. Of course, these committees, like the so-called Gang of Six, are always a stalking horse for massive tax increases.
  • One of the more sinister aspects of McConnell-Reid is how Congress will vote on the deficit report. According to the Washington Post, “The panel will require only a simple majority to report a plan to Congress, it would be protected from Senate filibuster and it would not be subject to amendment.

Here is how others describe the McConnell-Reid plan:

Rep. Allen West: “The quote-unquote McConnell-Reid plan is no plan. That’s the acquiescence of the responsibilities of our Congress. It’s nothing but the typical D.C. two-step, and I’m not going to be part of that.”

Sen. Marco Rubio: “The way the deal is currently structured right now … it gives the president the ability to raise the debt limit, but as I’ve said already on the program, the debt limit’s not really the problem here. The problem is the debt.”

Sen. Jim DeMint: “It basically says you can raise the debt limit, but we don’t have to vote for it. It’s like leaving the jail door open and looking the other way, then saying it’s not our fault.”

I also warned you that Obama is still pushing for higher taxes as part of his “grand bargain” on the budget.

On Tuesday, the so-called “Gang of Six” Republican and Democrat senators unveiled a $1 trillion tax increase in a new debt plan.

No surprise, Obama called this “good news… I think we’re in same playing field.”

Several Republican senators are already caving-in behind this new “grand bargain.”

The fact is this $1 trillion massive tax increase could very well pass the Senate. Unless we stop them.

The League urgently needs your help to stop this massive tax hike.

Our plan is simple, doing an online and national radio effort urging Americans to call their Senators to vote "NO" to the McConnell plan and any new tax increases.

We urgently need your help as time is short — Go Here Now

Just look at what GOP Senators are saying. Obama is winning the war of attrition against these GOP Senators.

  • Sen. Kelly Ayotte: “I think the vibe in the room was very positive.”
  • Sen. Lisa Murkowski: “I’m sure leaning that way” towards supporting it.
  • Sen. Scott Brown: “I think it’s a really positive first step…”
  • Sen. John Barrasso: “I’m very impressed. There’s a lot of support in there.”
  • Sen. Tom Coburn: “In the next 24 hours, you are going to see a significant portion of the Senate come behind this, bipartisan…”
  • Sen. Mike Johanns: “This is a very thoughtful, serious plan.”
  • Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison: “I think it’s a fair compromise.”
  • Sen. Susan Collins: “This group deserves enormous credit for coming up with a serious deficit-reduction plan with bipartisan support.”
  • Sen. Johnny Isakson: “It was a good meeting” and the plan has “got a lot of merit.”
  • Sen. Saxby Chambliss: “We were very pleased with the reaction.”
  • Sen. Mike Crapo: “I think the Senate is ready to look to a very large plan and a big piece of the solution.”
  • Sen. Joseph Lieberman (I): “The feeling in the room was ‘embrace.’…Sign me up…I think it could get 60 votes.”

Now Harry Reid won’t say if he’ll support the new Gang of Six plan, but he wants them to consider merging parts into the McConnell-Reid Plan.

The fact is McConnell-Reid is ripe to become the dupe for a massive tax increase, while handing Obama almost unilateral power to increase the debt ceiling.

There still may be time to stop McConnell’s disastrous plan in the Senate.

But if we cannot stop it there, we must erect a firewall in House.

That’s why I’m asking for your urgent support. The League can stop Obama’s massive tax hike for more spending.

We must fight. Please help the League do its job — Go Here Now

With your help, the League will flood the U.S. Capitol and home district offices of wavering congressmen with thousands of phone calls.

We have already alerted members of Congress we STRONGLY oppose any measure to give Obama the power to raise the debt ceiling without a Congressional majority.

What’s more, we OPPOSE any debt deal that raises taxes without an equal or greater tax cut elsewhere.

But we must do more. We must force the hand of Congress to hold the line against taxes, and to reject the foolish McConnell-Reid plan.

The League of American Voters has a history of victories when we alert the voters of this nation.

The League has been credited with stopping Obama's public option which would have ended private health insurance in the U.S.

We were the lead group that campaigned to renew the Bush Tax Cuts, which were set to expire. We won that battle too.

We also led the effort to support Scott Walker in Wisconsin after he was brutally attacked by liberal, pro-Obama groups. We won a victory there.

Now, we have a serious battle ahead in Washington.

Speaker John Boehner said, referring to McConnell-Reid, “I do think it's responsible for us to look at what Plan B would look like.”

As Speaker Boehner saw at Obama’s White House Summit, it’s a slippery slope leading to the abyss of a tax hike.

The League needs to erect a firewall today, but we can’t do it without your support.

Please give whatever you can to support the League. I hope to have our radio ads up in days, but we need financial support to do so.

Please Go Here Now to Stop Obama


Bob Adams

Executive Director

P.S. – The McConnell-Reid Plan gives Obama almost unilateral power to raise the debt ceiling without so much as a Congressional majority. This is not only irresponsible leadership, it undermines our Constitution. Worse yet, McConnell’s foolish scheme is likely to become Harry Reid’s coup de grace for a massive tax increase. Eleven Republican Senators are set to cave-in to Obama’s massive $1 trillion tax increase. Sen. Joe Lieberman says, “I think it can get 60 votes.” The League must act now to stop this madness! Help the League to veto McConnell’s blank check to Obama, and to stop job-killing tax hike for a debt deal. Please Go Here Now to Stop Obama

July 20, 2011