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We Now Have trickle Down Tyranny and Corruption in every Level of Goverment

Realman 2000

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  We have to question with much thought why are mindless goons terrorizing us. When we seen corruption on the Federal level. It never resonated down to the local level much. Peace officers were serious about protecting the people and property. Local government’s expectation to be accountable to the people in everything it decided to do was the norm most of the time. The Police never took pleasure in taking people to jail or using their sidearm even when it was justifiable to arrest and use deadly force. Local municipalities stayed separate from the activities of corruption inside the federal government in most of the time.

             Now ever since the Federal government has declared war on drugs, crime and terrorism. We have seen the police gradually corrupted. Now it has been acceleration abuses of power at a rate never before seen. The police are the hired guns for homeland security. We see lawlessness among those who have sworn to uphold the law. We can go watch on YouTube. We see the Police tazer old people and use force when there was no reason to. They seize money from traffic stops with no due process and make up charges to arrest people. They commit perjury on the stand under oath in a court of law,with encouragement they will lie to protect the system from the people Why have they gone out of control from professional peace officers to mindless thugs with a badge and a gun? When we see, SWAT teams discharge ammunition for their automatic rifles putting over 60 rounds in an ex marine in Tucson Arizona. We have to ask, how has it come to this?

            We can see the local and some state governments are mimicking what Washington does. To see in their mentality and twisted reason, if we observe closely, and see the whole picture. If the Federal government can get away with it, why not us is their feeling of empowerment. So can we also too get away with it. Not to mention the FBI and other federal agencies pass out grant money and have standardized the training of police officers to train police not in the Bill of Rights and the Constitution. They are ignorant of the law. They are giving directives to follow orders without question and to find ways to violate the Constitution. We are seeing the blatant disregard of the rule of law without consequence. It does not matter if it is the Federal, State or local governments going lawless. Corruption and Tyranny has metastasized from the top down on every level in our form of government.

          We are witnessing the lawless partnership with banks, mortgage companies committing fraud using the power of eminent domain laws to transfer property from one person to a big money developer and fraudulent foreclosures on homes not delinquent. They are becoming hired guns for the bankers taking homes they do not own and never owned. The police are out of control and devoid of any compassion or empathy. We are living in a time I worry more about the police than the common thief is. The police and government has become more of a threat to my way of life than a repeat criminal can ever be.

           The only way we can stop this out of control insanity is to elect people who will uphold the law. We need to sever our ties with the Federal government. We must not allow people to sit in on city councils and in the Mayors seat to sell out the city for 30 pieces of silver. We must not tolerate any more police chiefs who are lawless, who have been federalized and cares not for the people they have swore to serve. We must start dismantling the Federalization on the local level, first by throwing out the political whores. Second place people in office who will we need to start cutting the umbilical chord of Federal money, support and not comply with any mandates. We have to disassociate from the corrupt federal machine so we can have the rule of law restored regardless of the insanity that is going on in Washington DC.

             Just because right now the TSA can steal, out of your luggage and grope people. Just because the BATF and the FBI can violate the law, daily kicking down people’s door in the dark of night for any reason the Federal Government uses to tyrannize the people. It is no excuse for the Police to act that way because Washington is out of control.  We must restore accountability back in the city governments, county seats and with the Sheriffs who answer to us the people only. Our public servants do not answer to the Bureaucrats and federal goon squads who are unelected and unaccountable to people. That is the goal we need to achieve. That is when we can shield ourselves from the worst of this dictatorship tries to impose on us.

July 8, 2011