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Tell the GOP: Say 'NO' to 9 more years of borrowing


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Misguided 'conservatives' on debt limit

There's a new movement afoot within well-intentioned but misguided conservative circles calling for a compromise on raising the debt limit.

It's sponsored by good groups such as 60 Plus, Citizens Against Government Waste, Let Freedom Ring, the Club for Growth and the Family Research Council.

It has been embraced by many, many House Republicans – including some who had formerly pledged to vote against raising the debt limit under any circumstances.

So what is this coalition pushing in the "Cut, Cap, Balance Pledge"?

It is embracing the Republican Study Committee's plan to balance the budget in the next nine years. That's right – another nine-year plan to balance the budget.

I've got news for you.

This is not what conservatives or anyone embracing constitutionally limited government should be promoting today.

It's merely an excuse to keep borrowing for the next nine years.

Participate in the "No More Red Ink" campaign, the program designed to put an end to increased borrowing.

This is what the Republican Study Committee's plan represents, just as Rep. Paul Ryan's budget does. Ryan's plan is even worse, requiring massive new increases in debt for more than 10 years. No self-respecting conservative or honest Republican should accept any fiscal plans longer than the current congressional term. Why? Because they are meaningless – plans that can be changed by the next Congress.

Even more important is a principle I have been promoting since January – that this Republican-controlled House has all the power it needs to stop borrowing now and begin the return of Washington to constitutionally limited government this year!

The Republicans in the House don't have to bargain. They don't have to out-argue the Democrats. They don't have to filibuster. They don't have to compromise to get any support from Democrats. All they have to do is say no to raising the debt limit.

At that point, the borrowing stops – for good. Government will be forced to retrench to levels sustainable through revenues. The budget balances itself overnight. That's the real conservative solution to the fiscal nightmare Washington finds itself in.

By the way, it's also the solution favored by most Americans, according to every poll. Even most Democrats favor it.

So why are so-called "conservative" Republican activists pushing compromise?

I believe they are knowingly or unknowingly providing cover to the timid House Republican leadership that believes Congress must raise the debt limit.

I believe they are so conditioned to the idea of finding middle ground with Democrats that some of them don't realize when Republicans are holding all the marbles. Let me ask you a question: Would you like to see the federal coffers dry up so Barack Obama has no discretionary money to spend on anything for the next two years? Or, would you prefer to raise the debt limit and provide him with all the cash to continue funding Obamacare, Planned Parenthood, PBS, NPR, the Department of Miseducation, the Environmental Protection Agency and a thousand other unconstitutional programs and agencies?

I think it's an easy choice.

And it's a choice you can help the House Republicans make this summer. Most of them truly want to do the right thing and say no to raising the debt limit. But under pressure from leadership, the media and now even "conservative" activist groups, they will yield – unless they hear from you in big numbers.

That's why I devised the "No More Red Ink" campaign, which has already sent House Republicans some 1 million red letters urging them to hold the line on any more unsustainable borrowing – in other words, to vote no on raising the debt limit.

Because Republicans control the House, their votes are essential to continued borrowing. If they say no, that's the end of the debate.

There have been few times in history the choice was so clear.

If you have already taken part in the "No More Red Ink" campaign, I thank you and commend you from the bottom of my heart. But, if you haven't, time is running out. Sooner or later, this all-important debt limit issue is going to come to a vote in the House – the one place it can be stopped. I know it was voted down overwhelmingly a week ago, but that was just a show vote. It will be back, and, unless your voice is heard, they will be listening to voices of capitulation.

Joseph Farah

Editor and Chief Executive Officer

June 14, 2011