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Folks, this is getting serious.  Apathy and acquiescence are no longer tolerable.  We must take action to prevent the further erosion of our liberties and the further usurpation of dictatorial powers by the executive branch of our government.
First, Obama authorizes the use of our military in the war against Libya, without any eminent threat to the US, without the consent of Congress, but on the authority of the UN.
The War Powers Act supposedly gives the president 60 days to conduct such wars before he must get the consent of Congress, but this is ONLY when the US is in eminent danger, which is not the case in Libya.
After 60 days, Congress SENDS A LETTER to the president ASKING HIM IF he plans to get their consent to continue attacking Libya.  His response is that he DOES NOT NEED CONGRESSIONAL CONSENT because he has the AUTHORITY OF THE UN!  He says we are not conducting war in Libya, that we are only supporting NATO, which is BS, we have now and have had troops on the ground.
This is totally ridiculous, yet the people still slumber.  And why are we attacking Libya?  They say for humanitarian reasons, yet we are bombing civilians.  It is more likely for the oil and control of the money supply (the Libyan rebels, with US and al Qaeda support, setup a new national oil company within days of the beginning of the NATO bombing, and also setup a NEW PRIVATE CENTRAL BANK [see Federal Reserve]).
Now, Pakistan and Syria are in the cross hairs.
 On May 26th, just 6 days ago, the House passed legislation granting UNLIMITED WORLD-WIDE WAR POWERS to the president (who appears to be a dictator more and more every day), to conduct wars anywhere in the world for any reason.  Obama has threatened to veto the bill because it DOES NOT GRANT HIM  ENOUGH POWER!
Please read these two articles and watch the Ron Paul video where he discusses this act.
To summarize, we the people, from which the government derives its powers, have no authority to control the supply of our money (the Federal Reserve does that), we have not power to begin or end wars (the President does that), and the Patriot Act robs us of almost all of our remaining civil liberties.
I have seen multiple articles from multiple sources over this past week discussing the vast amounts of data being collected on massive amounts of ordinary American citizens, including gun owners.  I listened to some of the Senate discussion live last week.


There’s a Secret Patriot Act, Senator Says

Sen. Wyden Decries “Secret Law” on PATRIOT Act


Sen. Rand Paul Speaks on PATRIOT ACT

The only way to save this country is to expose the truth.  The only thing I can do is send emails with important news and hope that you take the time to read them.  What will you do with this information?









Call or e-mail me if you have any questions. 
Everett "Larry" McIntyre
"Work like you don't need the money,
love like you've never been hurt, and
dance like you do when nobody's watching." 
Take The Food freedom Tour 
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