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House Passes Offshore Energy Bill to Combat Soaring Gas Prices

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May 5, 2011 | Posted by Speaker Boehner's Press Office

By a vote of 266-149, the Republican-led House of Representatives just passed the Restarting American Offshore Leasing Now Act (H.R. 1230). This is American Energy Initiative legislation that will help address soaring gas prices and create new jobs by increasing offshore energy production. Learn more about H.R. 1230 here, and be sure to click below and “Like” the American Energy Initiative:

H.R. 1230 is the most recent bill in the American Energy Initiative, and it requires the Secretary of the Interior to move forward and conduct offshore energy lease sales in the Gulf of Mexico and Virginia that have been delayed or canceled by the Obama Administration. This is critical with gas prices rapidly reaching $4 throughout much of the country.

The House has also passed the Energy Tax Prevention Act, common-sense legislation that prevents the EPA from imposing a “cap and trade” national energy tax that will drive prices up further and destroy American jobs. And there’s more action to come.

Visit or “Like” the American Energy Initiative on Facebook to follow our progress and to tell us what you think. Looking forward to hearing from you!

- Speaker Boehner’s Press Office




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