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Will House Republicans do the right thing?


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A look at Dem, Repub budget plans

Both offer more borrowing, skyrocketing debt, not cuts

If you listen to the newspeak from Washington politicians of both parties, you might get the impression they are arguing over who wants to cut more.

Not so, show analyses of both Barack Obama's proposal and the so-called Paul Ryan plan.

While the White House claims its budget plan will cut $4.2 trillion in spending and the Republicans claim a $5.8 trillion reduction, neither proposal cuts anything from the national debt – in fact, both plans increase it from $14.3 trillion to at least $23 trillion by 2021, some 10 years from now.

Shock the Washington establishment by participating in the "No More Red Ink" campaign and shut down all new plans for bailouts, "stimulus" spending and even the funding for Obamacare.

"This is a choice between tweedle-dee and tweedle-dum," said WND's Joseph Farah, organizer of the "No More Red Ink" campaign, a high-tech, grass-roots lobbying effort targeting House Republicans, who have the power to stop further borrowing. "This is a national scandal and it is being aided and abetted by the news media, which actually misinforms the public that both sides are talking about cuts."

Farah says 2011 may represent America's last chance to change directions on reckless spending and borrowing policies, but it will take the public standing up to be counted. He points to a number of polls showing Americans opposed to increasing the debt limit by overwhelming numbers.

"Even Republicans are not getting the message," said Farah. "The House leadership is determined to raise the debt limit – thus giving up all leverage it has on curbing borrowing and spending, essentially giving Obama the blank check he wants for the next two years."

"Congress is going to vote soon on raising the debt limit," he says. "The only hope of rejecting that lies with the House Republican majority. If 218 Republicans say no – no is the answer. Not only will this not result in the economic calamity that is predicted by Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner and his banker friends at the Federal Reserve, but it is the only way to freeze the borrowing that will force Washington to start living within its means this year."

Invest $29.99 now in freezing the debt limit and bringing back constitutionally limited government and fiscal responsibility to Washington.

Shock the Washington establishment by participating in the "No More Red Ink" campaign and shut down all new plans for bailouts, "stimulus" spending and even the funding for Obamacare.

April 5, 2011