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Stopping Obama the destroyer

I don't know how to say this more plainly.

With each passing day, it becomes more evident that Barack Hussein Obama is intent on destroying the very foundations of this country – beginning with its free-enterprise system.

Put a stop to Obama's tyranny; join the "No More Red Ink" campaign.

This isn't just a mere political dispute. Obama's economic course is like a giant wrecking ball. He may earnestly believe what made America great are entitlement programs like Social Security and Medicare – and that we need more of them, not less – or he understands, as anyone with half a brain should, that they are economically unsustainable. I don't think he's that stupid. I think he is the socialist he has always been and would like to "fundamentally transform" America as he pledged during his campaign.

And he's succeeding.

There is only one way to stop him this year and next. But it requires House Republicans to re-orient themselves, rethink their strategy and reject the plans of their leadership.

As I have said before – and will no doubt say again and again – there are only two things House Republicans can do to stop Obama right now.

Fortunately, they are very effective choices – and very moral.

  • Refuse to raise the debt limit, thus depriving Obama and the Senate Democrats the money they desire to spend to accomplish their diabolical goals;


  • Refuse to accede to any tax increases.

If House Republicans do just these two things this year and next, Obama's wrecking ball is disabled.

The "No More Red Ink" campaign insists that the debt limit is not raised.

Even better, these two steps, completely within the power of the House Republican majority without any help from even a single Democrat in the House or Senate, will reduce the size of government in Washington – ending any hope of implementing Obamacare, forcing draconian cuts in entitlements, ending his objectiveless foreign wars and thwarting any new spending initiatives for the next two years.

The Obama administration knows Republicans have the power to do this. But Republicans are either scared to do it or simply don't want to reduce the size of government as they have always promised.

House Speaker John Boehner, apparently buying into the lies of Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner that more debt is needed to service the debt, has stated time and again that the debt limit must be raised. To date, he has about 20 House Republicans, including himself, of a total of 241, pledged to raise the debt limit. It takes 218 votes to stop it.

This is the most important vote that will be taken in this session of Congress. It doesn't matter what the Senate does. It doesn't matter what Obama does. If the House votes to raise the debt limit and authorizes more borrowing, Obama and the Democrats have won. It will be business as usual. There is no stopping them, again, at least until next year – and, frankly, that may be too late.

America is on an economic precipice. This may be our last chance to back off that cliff.

For the life of me, I don't know why Americans are not out in the streets on this issue. Maybe it's because the news media have so muddied the issue – regurgitating the lies of the Washington and Wall Street establishment that continued deficit spending is essential to avoid a calamity.

That is, of course, the same argument they used in the fall of 2008 to sell the infamous TARP bailouts. It's time for Republicans in the House, our elected leaders, to decide who is really running this country. Is it the Federal Reserve banker class? Or is it the will of the people, which, according to every poll, is dead-set against more borrowing and spending?

House Republicans have only one chance to make a big difference in Washington this year – to live up to the promises that placed them in control of the House. You need to help them recognize that before it's too late.

They need to hear your voices loud and clear. No More Red Ink. No more borrowing and spending. It's time for accountability. It's time for responsibility. It's time for the government to start living within its means – not 10 years from now, but this year.

If I could organize a march on Washington of millions to make this happen, I would do it. But I don't have that kind of platform or megaphone.

But I have devised what I believe is the most effective, high-tech, innovative citizen-lobbying program that is already making a difference. All you need to do is take advantage of it.

To date we have delivered about 1 million letters to the 241 House Republicans making our case. I believe we may need to deliver another 1 million to get their undivided attention.

We can make this happen if you take two simple, inexpensive steps:

  • Join the "No More Red Ink" campaign today;


  • Pass this urgent message on to everyone you know – posting it on your Facebook pages, sending it out to your email lists and urging your friends and family members to join you.

It's just that simple. Please do it today.

Joseph Farah

Editor and Chief Executive Officer
