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Agreement to Avert Govt Shutdown After Democrats Surrender $38.5B in Cuts

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ut $38 billion in spending and avert the first federal government shutdown in 15 years. Obama hailed the deal, a bit more than an hour before a midnight deadline, as "the biggest annual spending cut in history," and Republican House of Representatives Speaker John Boehner said that over the next decade it would cut government spending by $500 billion. "This is historic, what we've done," said the third man in the talks, Democratic Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid. [Yeah, no party in history - led by the biggest sell-out/prevaricator on God's green earth - has ever *bent over* as deeply as the Democrats. This is just the opening salvo by the Teabaggers - eliminating Medicare is next. No worries: Obama will cave on everything else his Koch brother/GOP overlords demand after all the brouhaha dies down. --LRP]

April 8, 2011