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Fighting for the Largest Spending Cuts Possible to Help Create Jobs

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April 3, 2011 | Posted by Speaker Boehner's Press Office | Permalink

It’s been 43 days since the House passed H.R. 1 to fund the government for the rest of the fiscal year and cut spending to end some of the uncertainty facing job creators.  Senate Democrats still haven’t passed a bill of their own or offered a credible plan to cut spending and keep the government running.  Read more below.

In the weekly Republican address, Speaker Boehner – a former small business owner – talks about how the spending binge in Washington is creating uncertainty for private-sector job creators and holding our economy back.   Boehner reiterates Republicans’ commitment to fighting for the largest spending cuts possible, and says it’s important to resolve last year’s budget mess so we can tackle the bigger challenges facing job creation.   Click here to watch the address:

House Republicans Passed a Bill 43 Days Ago to Cut Spending, Keep the Government Running; Senate Democrats Still Haven’t Taken Action

  • Remember: we’re only in this mess because the Democrat-run Congress failed to even propose a budget last year.

Cutting Spending Is Part of Republicans’ Effort to Create a Better Environment for Job Growth

  • Here is a by-the-numbers analysis of the March jobs report.  Republicans are focused on creating a better environment for private sector job growth by getting control of government spending, ending the threat of tax hikes, removing regulatory barriers to job growth (like ObamaCare), and approving stalled trade agreements to open new markets for American exports.
  • WATCH: Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan warns that America faces “a crushing burden of debt that is hurting job creation today and threatening our children’s prosperity tomorrow.”  Economists agree.
  • Of note: since the American people started speaking out, the debate in Washington has fundamentally shifted from “whether” to cut spending to “how much.”  Read more.

Republicans Rev Up American Energy Initiative to Address Rising Gas Prices, Create Jobs

  • “By expanding American energy production,” Speaker Boehner said, “We can help create more jobs, lower costs, and reduce our dependence on foreign oil.”

  • Representatives for American farmers, truckers, and small businesses told Congress that rising gas prices threaten jobs, and the Obama Administration’s anti-energy policies aren’t helping.

  • The Washington Times says gas prices have doubled since President Obama took office and began blocking American energy production and imposing policies that drive up prices.

Also Happening: Repealing the ObamaCare Slush Funds, the Report AARP Doesn’t Want You to See, & DC School Choice Legislation

  • MUST READ: The House Ways & Means Committee released a new report that shows AARP stands to make $1 billion over 10 years from ObamaCare, the AARP-backed health care law that funds the creation of a massive new entitlement program at the expense of seniors.  Read more.
  • WATCH: “Lesly’s Story,” a new video on the successful DC school choice program that was reauthorized by the House of Representatives last week.

As always, we appreciate your interest in the new House majority and encourage you to stay connected with the Office of the Speaker on Facebook, Twitter, and on  Have a great week!

- Speaker Boehner’s Press Office



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