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Would you like to eliminate Obamacare? Would you like to see as much as $1 trillion cut in spending by the federal government? Would you like to see NPR and PBS defunded – along with Planned Parenthood and maybe even the departments of Education and Energy?

Did you know there's a way the House Republicans can do this by themselves – without any deals or wrangling with Harry Reid or any veto threat from Barack Obama?

Click here to learn more about the "No More Red Ink" campaign.

It's the dirty little secret being kept from you by the Big Media and Republican House leadership.

All the Republicans have to do is vote no to raising the debt limit next month. It's that simple. It's all in the hands of the House Republican majority.

In fact, they don't even all have to agree. Only 218 votes in the House are needed to stop the borrowing madness that has the federal government in debt to the tune of $14.3 trillion. Republicans control the House with 241 votes.

And more than half the votes necessary to seize this amazing, once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to take a big step back toward constitutionally limited government are already committed. All we need to do is persuade fewer than 100 more Republican House members to go along with people like Rep. Michele Bachmann, Rep. Ron Paul, Rep. Michael Burgess, Rep. Louis Gohmert, Rep. Dan Lungren. Rep. Tom McClintock, Rep. Devin Nunes, Rep. Dana Rohrabacher, Rep. Paul Broun, Rep. Connie Mack, Rep. Steve King, Rep. Dan Burton, Rep. Mike Pence, Rep. Roscoe Bartlett, Rep. Todd Akin, Rep. Walter Jones, Rep. Sue Myrick, Rep. Chris Smith and other heroes who have made the pledge to stop the borrowing-and-spending binge now – not next year or the year after.

These fighters for a return to limited government need your help and support.

Because of a near blackout in the Big Media on this issue, most Americans just don't know it's possible for Republicans alone to take this historic, bullet-proof action.

There's no need for arguing with Obama. There's no need of debating with Reid. There's no need to wait until 2012. The Republicans Americans sent to Congress last November can do this now!

But they probably won't unless they hear from you – forcefully and in big numbers in the next two weeks. How?

You can personally send an urgent letter on red paper making the case for freezing the debt limit at $14.3 trillion to each of the 241 House Republicans as part of the "No More Red Ink" campaign that has already generated 1 million such letters to date for just $29.95. The letters are individually addressed to the members of Congress with your name and address on them with guaranteed delivery by FedEx.

There are simply no other options for making this happen in the short time left before the House votes on a bill to raise the debt limit.

We've got to convince 218 Republicans that this is, by far, the most important and meaningful vote they will cast in their careers.

They have the power to shut down the Obama spending machine.

They have the power to roll back spending levels in line with actual revenues.

They have the power to kill countless unconstitutional programs and entire worthless departments of the federal government.

What we're talking about here is a real political revolution.

But it will take courage and conviction on the part of most House Republicans. You can help give them the encouragement they need right now for a time such as this.

The vote on raising the debt limit requires approval by both houses of Congress and the president. If one house denies it, it's dead in the water. It's that simple.

We can make this happen. I know it sounds too good to be true. But there are already 122 House Republicans on board with the plan. They know it can happen. And they are asking you to help them bring along another 96. Can it be done?

According to a recent survey of all 241 Republicans, only 122 are prepared to vote yes.

This could well be the vote that determines whether we really have a viable alternative political party to the Democrats.

This is the kind of dramatic action we sent Republicans to Washington to take last fall. Polls show 70 percent of Americans, including a majority of Democrats, don't want to see the debt limit raised.

If not Republicans, who?

If not now, when?

We've got to bury the House Republicans in red paper that will remind them of the red ink that is flowing from Washington. Send urgent letters to all 241 of them making the case for freezing the debt limit and taking a big step back to limited government.

Joseph Farah

Editor and Chief Executive Officer