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Senate to Consider Anti-gun Funding Resolution on Thursday


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The CR now heads to the Senate for an expected vote on Thursday. Gun Owners of America has written Senate members to let them know of its opposition to that CR. 

The first issue is ObamaCare.  Republicans ran for election promising that they would repeal it -– or at least defund it.  But it is increasingly apparent that some members of the leadership lack the courage to defund ObamaCare on the short-term CR … or on the long-term CR on April 8 … or on the debt limit. 

So when, exactly, do they intend to show us that their word is worth the paper it is written on?

The problem for gun owners is that ObamaCare will allow the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives(ATF) to troll its health database for Americans who suffer from ailments such as PTSD –-millions of whom could find themselves subject to a gun ban under 18 U.S.C. 922(g)(4).

The second issue for us is that the three-week CR fails to include the Boren-Rehberg amendment, which would block efforts by the ATF to set up an illegal gun registry of multiple firearms sales. 

Without defunding ObamaCare –- and without incorporating the Boren-Rehberg amendment -– this CR will continue to fund these unconstitutional activities, thereby endorsing them.

We are particularly sickened by cowards who are so afraid that Barack Obama will shut down his own administration that they are willing to allow him to dictate every provision in each CR.

ACTION:  Contact your Senators and tell them to vote against the three-week CR.

Click here to use the Gun Owners Legislative Action Center  to send your legislator a pre-written e-mail message.

March 16, 2011