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White Knight's Report: Pinpointing the Corruption Causes in America

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Whilst the Jekyll Island fix via the Fed, set up the mother of all Banking Rip Offs, even that was controlled until the Bush Sr and Greenspan era. Let the White Knights help expose them to you.

To first understand the sheer extent of corruption, blatant theft, and criminality perpetrated in America’s name, the costs personally to you, your business and your family, just study some of the many research files relating to the recorded history of the Bush family. Only then will you will begin to understand reality and how it impacts your family, and your life, on your watch. Question their business links to the Clintons and where so much of our nation’s stolen money has all gone. Organized Crime families pale in comparison faced with such Hegemony and Treason. Question first, and then wake up. We will name and shame them until the money is recovered and they are jailed. We will expose how they betray us all.

This site needs to be compulsory reading for every Senator, Congressman and College student. Every freshman on The Hill needs to read, ask why, and what can we all do to recover the country. How did they get away with it for so long? Because YOU, let them! The following sites take you to a whole labyrinth of their convoluted treacheries and deceptions. All sheltered behind a contrived cloak of respectability. It’s a sham. The arrest records and rap sheets of this whole dysfunctional family should disqualify them not only from office but society at large. America, as never before, needs a new Jeb Bartlett. The horror story is the reality of a fixed and contrived Jeb Bush being maneuvered into place instead, with our sham media propaganda machine to enable them to play you for 8 more years of their corruption with impunity.

Ed Falcone is about to name the CIA agents, including the Point Agent David Dewhurst to Congress, who moved funds stolen from him acting for Bush and Biden, as well as Romney, Bush and Clintons Bank holdings, and bring the lot into a full Congressional corruption inquiry. Empires all end badly.

Why is Mitt Romney Fund raising in Florida this week on March 9th via Dr. Zakariah, aided by Fund raiser Meredith O Rourke. Romney has already been cited for Fraud and Theft investigation relating to the Falcone funds and will not pass vetting. He’s moved his money out of the Vatican Bank but Ed Falcone and his Investigators will expose to Congress where it is now.

Bush Sr, followed increasingly now by Bush Jr as Sr deteriorates, has been the principle initiator of both a national campaign of theft and fraud like the Katrina funds, the TALF funds, and a Global theft pandemic of which the world has never seen before. Interfacing with Alan Greenspan and Donald Kohn, juggling behind the US Treasury, US Federal Reserve ( in name only!) and the mercurial Federal Reserve Bank of New York, the largest and most ruthless scams and heists to ever take place. Just for the record, let us advise you of the following;

● FRB NY does not report to the Fed Chairman. FRB NY is not audited. Nor does it pay taxes. FRB NY is not controlled by nor reports to Congress. It is, in effect, a Pirate Ship, with the primary objective to loot the planet and enforce Hegemony.

● FRB NY is controlled via well selected Treasury Secretaries like Greenspan, assisted by Kohn, acting for the real controlling villains, such as Bush Sr, and the Clintons, who have contrived and controlled systematic Fed scams and thefts, running into vast Trillions via their Fiat money and Ponzi scams. Behind them vast Fed and Bank programs have been activated, overseen by Greenspan, and bilked the planet for such amounts as would pass infinity to even pay off the interest alone. We are talking of amounts which are vastly greater than Americas entire GDP. Look how quickly they just allocated c$8T to help Wall Street Bankers reckless misdemeanors and shore up Goldman’s and B of A. Despite B of A’s TALF funds and the Settlements theft. Ken Lewis resigned and fled from B of A because he knows what’s coming.

● FRB NY is all about money for the boys, just not for the people. From where? What is the TRUE amount of FRB NY Off Balance Sheet Debt? We hold records of staggering exposure and their criminality practices.

● Not Billions, but Trillions has been created by their Ponzi money trading.

● Where has it gone? Not for Americans that’s for sure. For you, is just the debt incurred for their benefit.

● So, for Americans, let’s ask some key and leading questions and get America back to work with the funds we can recover.

When will Congress set up this so much needed Corruption Inquiry? Who has the integrity and power to demand it? Who is left with the standing and moral authority to come to Americas aid?

-Congress, do your jobs. Do what you were elected for with pride and integrity. Set up a Corruption Inquiry and do it now. No Presidential Pardons. Investigate and INDICT the rogue Agents.

-Who stole the Katrina funds? You ALL know who. Where has all that money gone? Trace it!

-Who stole the Haiti Funds? Again, we know who! Where is that money and why has it not been spent as intended? Recover it all.

-Ask Joe Biden, why did YOU take a Bribe from Hillary Clinton to block repayment of Ed Falcone’s money, hurting American projects and our people’s jobs for your own corrupt benefit?

-Falcone was planning to help Katrina victims with projects from the Katrina funds. Hope stolen from these desperate people. We will provide you full evidence and witness statements.

-Ask Clinton, why did you bribe Biden acting for Bush Sr? How much were you paid? Where is that money as it’s all to be forfeited under the Proceeds of Crime Act? Confirm Bush Sr asked you to do this or swing alone?

-Who in the CIA allowed Agents, (who Ed Falcone will name for Congress, to subpoena) to be used by Bush Sr to travel round the world moving funds for Bush and Biden to hide from the Investigators and falsifying Bank records seeking to evade Justice? Who authorized the use of Government planes for this criminal conspiracy? As these exposed Agents, all known, and are facing Jail and loss of Pensions etc, who above them in the Agency knew and allowed it?

Why did the CIA agree yet another deal agreed to pay Falcone in September then renege on it yet again? Why is it still not paid? Jobs and Projects delayed.

Do you realize how this affects Americas standing worldwide? Do you realize the world is watching in disgust at your actions as an Agency and how it hurts Americas standing? How much control does Bush still have over the CIA and its Officers? How much is Obama still involved as Jarrett, Clintons and Bush Jr virtually run the show now?

-Why have the CIA become involved in both the Global and Investors Settlements and will you explain the full extent and your authority? Who directs you?

-Which CIA projects have been funded via Bush and Fed Bank Trading Programs without Congressional Knowledge, or approval, or oversight? List and explain them all. Amounts and source of funds. How many breach human rights accords? How much has been spent funding rendition sites?

-How many CIA officers have received personal payments in whatever form, direct or via hidden accounts, from Bush Family, or Fed programs? Slush funds and kickbacks.

-Who authorized you to trade or benefit from Falcone’s funds, how much and where has it all gone? Which projects, which people, every dollar, everywhere? Where is that money now? Why was Congress not advised?

-How much has been accrued by Bank and Fed programs and how much has been syphoned off?

-How much have the Bushes and Clintons taken from it? How much is Obama getting from Slush Funds? Who audits him on behalf of America?

-Ask Bernanke to explain to Congress his own knowledge of and association with Fed and Bank Programs. Ask him to explain his subjugation to Greenspan and Bush even today. Ask him why, having assured Falcone he was safe to invest, he has not worked tirelessly to ethically honor and repay this deal?

-Why has Obama not directed payment? Has he any ethical standards?

-How will Bush, Clinton, Biden, Romney, Geithner, Panetta and Ackerman, Herzog and Guenette and others, explain to Congress, on oath and under Perjury warnings, incriminating evidence of outright major criminal evidence we hold waiting to interrogate them with?

-Why are Patriotic American Investor parties waiting in Richmond for their Investment Settlements and still being denied payment? Where is that money today? Who is blocking it? Why? It’s not YOUR money, it’s theirs as Patriots! Give it back!

-How much has Obama accrued in offshore accounts. From what? We Know!

How many cases as Fed or Bank Trading Programs are there which America has extracted money from trusting Investors and failed to redeem or honor as contracted?

-When can Congress summon Herzog, Guenette and others involved in this Theft and Conspiracy we will supply to an Inquiry, including extraditing them if they try to run to Israel?

-When will Congress order that NO American Official or Government employee can have a Dual Citizenship? How many Fed or Treasury Officials have Israeli or other passports illegally to run with?

-Obama does not even have a legal American Passport, just a rigged one. Why is the Supreme Court failing to give a ruling, as it’s obvious to all? Does a clear Extradition Treaty exist with Israel?

-When will Congress, under Darrell Issa, set up a Task Force to investigate corruption and indict?

These are just a few cogent realities to challenge the inactivity on The Hill. Taking America back for the people is the key agenda. It starts on YOUR Watch! A Jeb Bartlett is needed, NOT Jeb Bush!

March 7, 2011