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Tell House Republicans not to squander this opportunity

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to save America?

You can blame Democrats for many of the crises plaguing America.

Consider this: Democrats took control of both houses of Congress in 2006.

Within 11 months, the nation was hit with the greatest economic downturn since the Great Depression.

When Democrats took power after the 2006 election, the national debt was $8 trillion – staggering, yes. But today it stands at $14.3 trillion

The Congressional Budget Office projects deficits will rise by another $3.15 trillion in Barack Obama's next two years in office.

Join me in this last-ditch effort to avert economic calamity by supporting the "No More Red Ink" campaign. Please do it now.

That means since the Democrats took control of Washington's purse strings in 2007, they doubled the national debt from 8 trillion to more than $17 trillion – a number higher than the nation's gross domestic product. If everything of value in the U.S. were sold, it would be worth less than $17 trillion – significantly less.

That's bad. It's frightening. It's catastrophic. It's disastrous.

But there's something worse that could happen in the next 30 days.

The Republicans who swept into power in historic fashion in the November election might lose their one and only opportunity to dramatically reverse this trend.

I shouldn't say they "might lose it."

It would be more accurate to say they might squander it.

They might blow it.

They might kiss it off.

They might take the easy way out.

They might protest but not use the one weapon in their arsenal that could result in a 180-degree reversal of economic policy.

They might complain but not use the power voters handed them last fall.

What am I talking about?

Sadly, most Americans – and even most Republicans – don't know.

In the coming weeks – maybe sooner – the House of Representatives, firmly under the control of Republicans, will be asked to vote on raising the debt limit once again. Voting yes will allow Obama and the Congress to continue their profligate ways, burning through another $3.15 trillion dollars in the next two years with nothing but misery, debt and imminent American bankruptcy to show for it.

But the Republicans who control the House have the power to say no. They have the absolute power to deny any more borrowing by the federal government. However, the GOP leadership is not inclined to use that power. Apparently, they have been persuaded by the Federal Reserve and the Washington powers that be that taking such action would be catastrophic, resulting in default on loans, canceled Social Security payments, government shutdowns and chaos.

Instead, they want to "reason" with Obama and the Senate Democrats to make "meaningful cuts" in the budget in exchange for a yes vote on raising the debt limit – trading away the only surefire vote they have to force much bigger cuts than Obama and the Democrats will ever agree to.

I'm not the only one who has been trying to persuade against this conciliatory strategy. Reps. Michele Bachmann, Ron Paul, Michael Burgess – even Democrat Anthony Weiner recognizes this might be America's last chance to keep us from going off the fiscal cliff.

Everyone in Washington talks about the need to start "living within our means" – even Barack Obama. But they don't mean it.

That's why I started the "No More Red Ink" campaign to pressure House Republicans to recognize dealing with the deficits is not a job we can tackle "tomorrow." It's a job that must begin today.

If you agree with me and Sarah Palin and Tim Pawlenty and Investors Business Daily and more and more Americans waking up every day, I urge you to take a simple action that could awaken the House Republicans to their duty, their responsibility, their oaths of office, their campaign promises, their consciences, their moral obligation.

Send messages today to all 241 of the House Republicans, individually addressed, with guaranteed delivery, with your name on them for one low price of $29.99.

This is an exceptional opportunity to make your voice heard in Washington loud and clear. So far, some 750,000 "No More Red Ink" messages have been sent. I know money is tight, but it's going to get a lot tighter if we don't raise our voices collectively and put an end to this reckless borrowing and spending now.

I wish I could say there are other campaigns like this to take advantage of the historic opportunity we have to correct the direction of our government. There isn't. This is the only game in town. And time is short. It is likely this vote will take place before April 1.

Are you with me?

Join me in this last-ditch effort to avert economic calamity by supporting the "No More Red Ink" campaign. Please do it now.

Joseph Farah

Cofounder, editor and CEO of WND

March 7, 2011