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Health freedom attorney Jonathan Emord speaks out about Obama health care, the US Constitution, and the Supreme Court

Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, NaturalNews Editor

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Jonathan Emord is currently representing clients in a related court case in Ohio where he is also arguing to protect the rights of private citizens against overreaching government requirements that interfere with individual choice.

"This is a very important decision because the district court Judge here carefully analyzed the law and identified its two principal weaknesses," Emord told NaturalNews. "The law includes this individual mandate which requires millions of Americans to purchase health insurance even against their will. And if they do not purchase health insurance in 2014, they would be subject to a tax penalty."

You can listen to the full interview on NaturalNews.TV:

Emord goes on to state, "Never before in American history has the government of the United States compelled a private party to purchase a commercially available good."

U.S. Supreme Court likely to hear the case

As you'll hear in this interview, Emord anticipates this case eventually escalating to the U.S. Supreme Court. If this law stands and is ruled constitutional, it would open the doors for the U.S. government to mandate citizens to purchase all sorts of products or services that the government wishes to favor or protect, warns Emord.

For example, the U.S. government could theoretically require all citizens to purchase an American-made electric car in order to indirectly bail out a Detroit car manufacturer. Anyone who does not wish to purchase an electric car would be fined by the IRS, potentially to the tune of tens of thousands of dollars.

This is a very important interview on the crucial subject of health freedom. To listen to the full interview, visit NaturalNews.TV at:

Following the interview, I offer several minutes of commentary and analysis about health freedom, the limits of the federal government, and why forcing Americans to purchase a product against their will is bad government.

