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It is now up to Senate Republicans to prove whether or not they're going to listen -- or return to the big spending and statism of the Bush years that got them tossed out of power in 2006 and 2008.

On Wednesday, the House passed a "Continuing Resolution" (CR) that would extend current spending levels through September 2011. In addition to continuing spending at unsustainable rates, the House attached the atrocious S. 510 language of the so-called "Food Safety Modernization Act" to it.

Senate Democrats may introduce an "Omnibus Spending" bill as an amendment to the CR, and although details are still in flux, we can confidently say it won't cut current spending levels, either.

So far, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell and Senate Minority Whip John Kyl appear completely unconcerned about the long-term CR and its plan to fund ObamaCare and Dodd-Frank's "Fed Empowerment Act," along with maintaining other bloated federal spending at unsustainable levels.

The long-term CR passed in the House leaves spending at 2010 levels and contains over $1 trillion in appropriations, in addition to the cost of implementing S. 510.

The appropriations roughly break down into $513 billion for the Department of Defense, $159 billion for continued nation-building in Iraq and Afghanistan, and $501.4 billion for "all other appropriations."

Tell your senators, especially if they are Republican, to vote NO on Washington's unsustainable spending spree.

Email them today and call their offices on Monday! Let them know you have had enough of Washington's reckless spending.

Tell them to reject politics as usual and show genuine leadership by making the tough decisions necessary to live within our means and restore our country's prosperity.

The long-term CR will fund the Democrats' pet projects through most of next year. The only fiscally responsible action for Senate Republicans is to filibuster the current CR and push for a short-term version that will allow the new Congress to take the lead on next year's appropriations.

Make sure your senators know you have had enough. Let them know you won't tolerate them taking America down a doomed fiscal path.

Tell them "NO" to empowering the FDA and Obama's regulatory power through S. 510!

"NO" to funding ObamaCare, Dodd-Frank, and other statist pet projects!

And "NO" to continuing unsustainable debts and deficits!

Contact your senators today by email and by phone on Monday. Guarantee they hear your emphatic "NO" loud and clear.

It's time to close the book on the 111th Congress. Tell your senators to push for a short-term CR that will allow the newly elected 112th Congress to make the tough decisions they weren't willing to. Urge them to vote against a long-term CR on every vote - including cloture.

Dec. 13, 2010