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Obama’s Post-Election Attack Plan

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Refusing to accept defeat, these three are planning a counter attack. Instead of taking to heart the unmistakable message of the American people, they’re moving, full steam ahead, in the opposite direction.

Digging in with unprecedented and arrogant defiance, they’ve planned a legislative blitzkrieg during the coming lame-duck session of Congress in order to shove as much of their radical agenda, as humanly possible, down your throat before the new Congressmen and Senators can be sworn into office.

Barack Obama says there’s going to be “hand-to-hand combat.” As David Karki with The North Star National writes: “He [Obama] is not going to make like President Clinton in 1995 and move to the center to survive. He will force upon us everything else he can, whatever way he has to.”

To put it in the words of columnist Charles Krauthammer: “How then to prevent a runaway lame-duck Congress? Bring the issue up now – applying the check-and-balance of the people’s will before it disappears the morning after Election Day.”

Can it happen? You better believe it. Krauthammer cautions: “They could then vote for anything – including measures they today shun as the midterms approach and their seats are threatened – because they would have nothing to lose. They would be unemployed. And playing along with Obama might even brighten the prospects for, say, an ambassadorship to a sunny Caribbean isle.”

As scribe Ben Johnson points out, the threat doesn’t end even with the lame-duck session: “All indications are, if Obama cannot get his legislative agenda enacted by the lame-duck Congress, he will impose it by decree.”

Oct. 19, 2010